MOTRing The road to a Medicines Optimisation Translational Research Centre Tony Jamieson 2 nd October 2015
Building Blocks
Shared Vision Fostering research More people skilled in research and involved in research activity. Building on each others achievements Support for people new to research. A cohesive portfolio of research activity. Synergy between research and quality improvement activities Creating research opportunity Attract research funding Demonstrate the value of research
Community Sharing culture Platform for Sharing Connected And Sharing Platform for connecting Capitalise on the willingness of people and organisations in Y&H to share and co-operate. Create a safe place to share – initially on the Y&H AHSN website. Make it easy to connect – initially through a LinkedIn group. Start with a simple index of research and research-ready activity. Map out the region’s ‘strengths’ that will make research easier and of high quality.
Governance Statement of intent. A clear, compelling and attractive statement of purpose which will act as a beacon for Medicines Optimisation Translational Research across the region Procedures - Minimalistic and facilitative. Shaping culture. Driven by shared values. Developing a community spirit. Organisational structure – Flexible, responsive and able to evolve Core team to oversee development
Progression Increasing maturity and activity Increasing Capital and Financial Stewardship Core team MOTR research participants Statement of intent Platform for connecting Platform for sharing Culture strategy Co-ordinators FacilitatorsAdministrators Procedures Structure of sharing Space and time for connecting and sharing Steering based on values, benefits and demonstrable successes Communications and engagement Values