Chapter 6-1 Text pp p. 229 #3, 4, 8, 9
This is our vocation It is meant to be a lifelong duty and encompass all our other decisions. We are given a start by being created in the image of God. Natural laws are already imprinted on our hearts. Through Baptism we are empowered to be another Christ
1. Think of morality as our call to be another Christ. 1. Pursue good and avoid evil in every thought word and deed. 2. Why does it sometimes seem like that comment above is backwards? 1. Why do we find ourselves wanting to pursue evil and avoid good?
1. The Graces flowing from the Paschal Mystery (what is that again? Write it down…) are meant to lead us all to a life of holiness. 2. By virtue of our new life in Baptism we are personally called to holiness. 3. Holy 1. In Latin Holy = Sanctus 2. Sanctus = to be a Saint 3. Saint = to become another Christ 4. “The invitation to all of humanity to become another Christ.”
Adam and Eve were created in the image of God and had an intimate relationship with Him. Their Fall created an insurmountable (for us) obstacle to that relationship. Through Expiation (a really important word…) by the True God/True Man of Christ we were given the opportunity to be reconciled. Objective Redemption: The salvation of all people Accomplished in the Paschal mystery. Subjective Redemption: The application of Christ’s redemption to individual lives. This requires an individual choice to love God.
Repentance and conversion of heart. Conform oneself to the life and teaching of Jesus. Follow God’s will in all things. Grow in charity Imitate the passion by accepting one’s crosses. Participate in the liturgical life of the Church. Live a life of penance. Be a Christian witness to others.
1. Living a moral life in Jesus involves the ______________ of evil and the doing of _____________ in imitation of Christ. 2. What is objective redemption? When did/does it occur? 3. What is subjective redemption? When did/does it occur? 4. How can a person maintain their individuality and “popular” personality while becoming a Christian witness to others?