Three Pairs of Poles: God’s Sovereignty – Free Will God’s act of grace Human response God’s Sovereignty – Free Will God’s act of grace Human response Faith / Confession – Deeds / Behavior “saved by faith” “faith without works is dead” Faith / Confession – Deeds / Behavior “saved by faith” “faith without works is dead” Justification – Holiness “once saved always saved” “lead us not into temptation” Justification – Holiness “once saved always saved” “lead us not into temptation”
John Calvin 16 th Century Founder of the Reformed Tradition
Calvin’s Tulip: T otal Depravity U nconditional Election L imited Atonement I rresistible Grace P erseverance of the Saints T otal Depravity U nconditional Election L imited Atonement I rresistible Grace P erseverance of the Saints
Jacob Arminius 17 th Century Founder of the Holiness Movement Jacob Arminius 17 th Century Founder of the Holiness Movement
Living between the Poles
Conclusion 1. God is sovereign and salvation always originates with God. 2. But God also created human beings with a choice-making ability. 3. Predestination refers NOT to individuals, but to a group - those "in Christ“ which in includes whosoever believes.”
Salvation Process ► Hearing of the good news (Rom. 10:17) ► Belief in Jesus (Heb. 11:6) ► Repentance (Acts 2:38) ► Confession to God (Rom. 10:9) ► Baptism (1 Pet. 3:21) ► Endurance in one’s faith to the end (Matt. 24:12-13)