The Goal of the Believer’s Conscience 11/16/14
Paradoxical Truths of Holiness 1)Christ has made perfect those who have trusted in his one sacrifice for their sins. 2)Christ is in the process of making holy those who have already been made perfect through his sacrifice.
Holiness is Not: 1)Holiness is not legalistic external rule keeping. 2)Holiness is not measured by mystical feelings and spiritual experiences. 3)Holiness is not being like the world.
Holiness Holiness takes place when a person is completely transformed by the renewing of their minds, through faith in what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for them in bringing them near to the Most Holy Place of God, resulting in that person growing in godliness and righteousness for the glory of God.
Marks That Show You Are Being Made Holy 1 st Mark: You desire to continually draw near to God so that you can be near your God. Reasons We Pull Away From God: 1)Pride 2)Despair
Marks That Show You Are Being Made Holy 2 nd Mark: You draw near to God in confessional prayer through faith in the way that has been opened for you.
Draw Near to God Let us draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:22-23