Natachia Randles AET / 560 Dr. Dlabach Communication Plan
Launching the Communication Plan The Crisis Communication Plan of the American Red Cross is the foundation of the communication during a time of a crisis as well as the follow-up after the crisis. The plan includes a general crisis inventory, key leadership positions responsible for plan implementation, and resources for executing communication (community, 2012). The plan allows for a joint or unified voice within the organization to allow the organization to easily communicate with the key publics of the organization with minimal or no mistakes. The American Red Cross has developed key response mechanism to allow for communications based on the National Incident Command System developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to respond to the crisis (Red Cross, 2013)
Technology Needed , social media, Public Media, text messaging, and phone calls
It’s Effectiveness & Management Response EffectivenessManagement Response Allow staff to get the word out faster to the public about disasters Key member and teams work together to organize crisis teams and plans. Communication with Publics can be difficult and easy all in one Implement plan and evacuation plans Use of volunteers
Generate Feedback for Continuous Improvement Notifying the Publics of an organization can be difficult at times especially when there is an active crisis unfolding. The charitable outpouring offered an opportunity for the $2.5 billion-a-year organization to restock its depleted blood inventory.
How to Address Negative Responses Publics are a community as a whole that can be affected by the crisis probably the most important public is the customer (Red Cross,2013) Government officials local, regional and national are a group of publics that can be a good face on advertisement and endorsement of any organization.
The most important consideration in both Crisis Management and safe humanitarian response efforts is the health, safety and welfare of the American Red Cross Clients and the Humanitarian Responder (Volunteers and Staff) (RedCross,2015) How your communication plan can affect organizational change
Reference American Red Cross. (n.d.). Mission, Vision, and Fundamental Principles. Retrieved March 09, 2015, from About Us: us/mission Community Insights. (2012). A Continuity Insights. Retrieved from Community Insights: Report.pdf