Course Registration All you need to know BHS School Counseling Department 2/25/20161
Professional School Counselors Rebecca Sudduth 9 th grade Amanda Martin 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names A –D Sarah Patton 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names E-Kn Kelly Nash 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names Ko-Re Leslie Lee 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Last Names Rh-Z Karen Smiley Department Chair; Student Success Counselor Linda Mongeon College & Career Center Coordinator Nicole Mullinax Bearden School Counseling Intern 2/25/20162
Schedule is being adjusted to meet the State Requirements for Response to Intervention (RTI) and the Opportunity for our Students to take classes at Byington Solway. Byington Solway: Students will be able to ride a bus for ½ day to take CTE (Career Technical Education) classes. Possible Offerings: Electromechanical Welding Electrical Systems Construction Plumbing Diesel Mechanics Fire Science Audio Visual Production Criminal Justice Cosmetology Early Childhood 2/25/20163 What’s New?
What Does that Look Like? 2/25/20164
What’s Also New? BHS is one of 2 schools that will be Piloting the Online capabilities that Family Portal has for Students to Register for Classes Teacher Recommendations will be preloaded Counselors will have reviewed students transcripts prior and will have loaded any classes needed for graduation 2/25/20165
Completing the Registration Form Students should have a prework registration form: yellow9th 1 green (11 th ), blue (10 th ) or yellow (9th) ALL GRADUATION INFORMATION & course selection options are on the registration form & soon to be on the website. Course Selections are a polling of interest; not a 100% guarantee of selections. STEP 1: Carefully select 9 course offerings and 3 alternates – Core academic courses have been automatically enrolled or recommended in Family Portal (aka ASPEN, Family/Parent Portal) – On the front of the form, when selecting your courses, be sure to write in the full course name exactly as it is shown on the back of the sheet – Select the remaining courses to fill in the 9 course offerings – Students will meet with Counselors in groups to learn how to Register Online and Discuss Course Selections 2/25/20167
Completing the Online Registration Form STEP 2: Academic Release – complete only if you disagree with the core class teacher recommendations or need a Level Change; Found on the Website STEP 3: Review your transcript in Family Portal, graduation requirements, Focused Plan of Study (remember that Canvas assignment?!) and discuss course selections with your parents. STEP 4: Choose your selections online on or before March 7 3:30 pm in Family Portal. NOTE: No selections submitted means courses will be chosen for you. 2/25/20168
Student Expectations Complete Course Selections Online through Family Portal Trust the Process of Registration and Scheduling Read the Directions & Seek Additional Information Online Discuss Recommendations with Teachers Discuss Course Selections with Parents Attend Registration Help Desk during Lunch if they have ?s. Utilize the Counselor Note Section to convey information to counselor Observe the Deadline of Mar. 7 th at 3:30 pm. Pros about Online Registration each 9 th, 10 th, & 11 th grade student will have the opportunity to talk to a school counselor in a group setting! 2/25/20169
Counselor Expectations Schedule Students in classes that meet graduation requirements Do our best to meet requests/wants of the students Balance semesters as best as possible Review transcripts during the process Managing individual wants while balancing the needs of the entire school Keep information up to date through Website, Twitter, Wednesday Weekly, & Canvas 2/25/201610
Parent Expectations Trust the process Discuss your student’s Course Selection Sheet with him/her Review your child’s transcript with them (available in Family/Parent Portal) 2/25/201611
Graduation Requirements 2/25/201612
Application/Audition Courses NOTE-If a student’s listed alternate courses won’t schedule, counselors will select courses that will best meet graduation requirements and work within the confines of BHS’ master schedule. 2/25/2016 The following classes are APPLICATION or AUDITION courses. If you list one of these courses on your registration sheet and you are not selected for that course, it will be replaced with one of your alternates: Virtual Enterprise, Leadership, Peer Tutor, Annual Staff, Newspaper Staff, Female Acappella, Mixed Acappella, BHS Singers, Musical Theatre, Stage Tech, Acting 3, Hon Art Photo, AP Art 2- D, AP Art 3-D, AP Art Drawing, AP Art History, AP Music Theory, Honors Art, & Worked Based Learning (includes CTE WBL, Senior Out of School Experience & Academic WBL all must related to Elective Focus). 13
Grade Level Focus 9 th Grade GPA- How to calculate GPA? How to predict GPA? College/Career GPA Connections 10th grade Completing Focused Plan of Study and PLAN results (Fall/Spring) 11th grade Begin the College Application Process April 19, 2016 – State ACT Testing for BHS Reminder… Don’t forget to use your two College Visit Days for your junior year! Bring a parent note to Mrs. Mongeon, in the College & Career Center, prior to your college visit. 12th grade FAFSA= Due Date has been Extended to Feb. 22 TN Promise Applicants Transcripts and Senior Exit forms (Spring) 2/25/
Don’t Miss Out on Information! Visit the School Counseling and College & Career Center Websites Visit our College & Career webpage for extensive info & make sure that you check out the BHS School Counseling Calendar:
Dual Enrollment: How do students enroll? Option 1: Take a class at BHS 2 or 3 days a week Psychology (11 th and 12 th ) English Composition 1010 and 1020 (12 th ) Encourage Juniors who received an A in CP Eng 3 and qualifying test scores to enroll in DE English College Math (12 th ) Option 2: Take a class at PSTCC “Off Campus Dual Enrollment” ** Must receive either an A or B in order to keep grant eligibility. Grant is only available to Jrs and Srs. 2/25/201616
Dual Enrollment (Jrs & Srs) Dual Enrollment Grant has changed Different rules for Class 2017 & Beyond Classes of 2017 & Beyond First 2 classes are awarded up to $500 3 rd class – only $200 4 th class – no money awarded 2/25/ Only Core Dual Enrollment Classes will be awarded 1.0 weight (Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, or college courses that exceed or are equivalent to an AP Course). For more Information Visit: ant_rules.htm ant_rules.htm
Steps to Dual Enrollment Choose desired courses during BHS registration and indicate through Online Registration. Complete the Dual Enrollment application available during registration in the Counseling Office & Website and return to your School Counselor. Register to take the ACT if necessary. June test scores will be accepted. Attend Dual Enrollment meeting held in April. 2/25/201618
PSAT Results – Available Tonight This is included with your score report and highlights important information.
20 + College Board research shows that students who score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam typically experience greater academic success in college and are more likely to earn a college degree on time than non- AP students. + AP Potential ™ uses scores from the PSAT/NMSQT to provide predictions for 21 AP Exams. What is My AP Potential ™ ?
Why Take AP? AP Courses reflect the highest level of rigor available for a particular course $$ savings for tuition Shorten degree program Lessen semester course load Allow options for double majors/concentration areas Options for internships, travel abroad, etc
Potential Savings
Review Course Selections should be thoughtful. When and Where are course selections online due? Mar. 7 th 3:30 pm through Family Portal When are counselors available for discussion of Course Registration? Group Meetings with Students to walk them through the Online Process and Discuss Classes Feb. 25 th, Feb. 26 th, Feb. 29 th, Mar. 2 nd Registration Help Desk – during 3 rd block during your lunch on Mar. 4 th and 7 th outside the West Mall 23
Review What should students look for when reviewing their transcript in Family Portal? errors, progress towards graduation If any errors are discovered on a transcript in Family Portal, what should the student do? 1. Note error on Transcript 2. Return Transcript to the School Counseling Office for Review by their School Counselor Where will I find out information about Schedule Distribution? On the School Counseling website, on and/or via Parent Messenger 2/25/201624
Review Where can I find registration forms and this power point presentation? School Counseling Website Registration Registration Quick Links & Forms Course Selections Coming Soon! Keep Checking back on the Website. Where can I find a description of Courses? Coming Soon!! Under the Registration Quick Links and Forms Section School Counseling Website Registration High School Progression Plan Can I sign up for the AP exams now? Yes, go to the School Counseling office to pay with check or cash due by Thurs. March /25/201625