By : Ernest Hemingway
The old man and the young boy
Who is this old man ? This is Santiago. He is an old fisher man. He lives in an old house by the sea. He has old clothes and only little food. The other fishermen were kind to the old man, but they were sad because he was poor.
Who is this young boy? This is Manolin. He is a young boy, Santiago teaches him to be a fisherman, too. Manolin parent’s doesn’t want him to go fishing with Santiago because Santiago was old.
How often does Manolin visit Santiago? Manolin visits Santiago everyday.He helps him and carries things for him. In the evening, Manolin sits with the old man and they talk about baseball. Santiago tells him stories about Africa which Santiago visited it when he was young.
Why does Santiago decided to go far to the sea? He wanted to go far because he thought he could catch a big fish.He needed to catch a big fish because he was very poor.
What was Santiago doing while he was fishing? He was watching the birds because birds show him where to find fish. He was watching his fishing line, too.