Heifer Retention in Down Cycle Keith Vander Velde, Livestock Specialist
Heifer Retention in Down Cycle Keith Vander Velde, Livestock Specialist -Most producers replace 15-20% of the Herd on an annual basis -Is now the time to retain all replacement quality heifers -Question is when is the most economical time to retain heifers -Important to look at two critical factors 1. Look at the stage of Cattle Cycle 2. Look at the cost of production 3. Consider the Opportunity Factors
Heifer Options Keith Vander Velde, Livestock Specialist Raising Your Own Heifers: Economics of raising a heifer
Heifer Options Keith Vander Velde, Livestock Specialist Raising Your Own Heifers: Cost to 1 st calf crop Value of Heifer in October -500 lbs x $.80=$400 Cost of Gain 500 to 750 lbs -250 lbs x $.40=$100 Breeding fee-AI or Natural service=$ 20 May –November Grazing -$15/month=$105 December-March Winter Feed $25/month=$100 TOTAL COST-$725
Heifer Options Keith Vander Velde, Livestock Specialist 1.Keep all heifers 2.Retain over winter at 1.75 lbs per day 3.At 750 lbs YOU have two choices a.Breed all heifers to calving ease sires b.Sell heifers as stockers for 100 day feeding 1.Let the market values guide you on this decision 4.In the fall or early spring market heifers if market profit potential exists 5.Calve out heifers and retain ownership
Heifer Options Keith Vander Velde, Livestock Specialist 1.Heifers provide more marketing options 2.Heifers sell for less net dollars due to price discounts over steers 3.Heifers retained in down cycles are normally in peak production in an up cattle cycle
Heifer Retention Opportunities Exist to Purchase Superior Genetics as market values-Good Operators will upgrade their genetics during this period Keith Vander Velde, Livestock Specialist