The Nature of Ecology
How to make a food web. 1.Start with one producer on BOTTOM and draw arrows up to the things that eat them (their predators). (** Hint: a producer is something that photosynthesizes, it gets its energy from the sun.) 2. Fill in all the predators that eat that producer (these are primary consumers). 3. If there are other things those predators eat fill in those organisms (one at a time). These are other producers, other primary consumers or even sometimes secondary consumers. 4. Continue filling in each organism’s predators and prey placed at the correct trophic level (with arrows going from prey to predator). 5. Primary consumers eat producers. Secondary consumers eat primary consumers. Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers. (some organisms will be at more than one level). If the hawk ate grass and rabbits, it would be both a primary and a secondary consumer and have arrows from both rabbit and grass. Eagle tertiary consumer Snake Hawk secondary consumer Rabbit primary consumer grass producer
The Nature of Ecology Ecology- the study of how organisms interact with their environment Organisms- any life form Species- groups of organisms that share similar DNA; look similar, have similar behavior, can produce viable offspring.
Populations Population- all of the organisms within a species that interact in a specific area and at a specific time
Communities, Ecosystems & The Biosphere Habitat- the place where a population or organism lives Community- all of the organisms that occupy a specific area; also called biological community Ecosystem- a community of different species and their interaction with each other and abiotic factors in environment
Ecosystem Concepts and Components Biomes-areas with a consistent climate and with similar organisms Aquatic life zones- marine and freshwater portions of the biosphere Fig. 4-9 p. 70
Community Structure and Species Diversity Fig. 8-2 p. 144
Biodiversity dependent on latitude Fig. 8-3 p. 145
Ecosystem Boundaries: Ecotones Ecotone- transitional zones between ecosystems where there are a mixture of species not found together in adjacent ecosystems Fig p. 71
Principles of Ecological Factors Abiotic Factors- all of the nonliving parts in an ecosystem Biotic Factors-all of the living factors in an ecosystem Range of Tolerance- any variation in the physical or chemical environment that an organism can withstand before it is killed/harmed
Regulating Population Growth Limiting Factors- a distinguishing chemical or physical factor that regulates the population growth of a species; more specific than any other factor Niche- an organisms functional role within an ecosystem; everything that affects the survival and reproduction
Figure 4-13 Page 73 Terrestrial Ecosystems Aquatic Life Zones Sunlight Temperature Precipitation Wind Latitude Altitude Fire frequency Soil Light penetration Water currents Dissolved nutrient concentrations (especially N and P) Suspended solids Salinity Abiotic Factors That Impact Populations
The Biotic Components of Ecosystems Fig p. 75 Producers (autotrophs) Consumers (heterotrophs) Decomposers
Fig p. 77; Refer to Fig p. 78 Food Chains
Food Webs
Only 10% of the energy producers make gets transferred to the primary consumer. The secondary consumer only gets 1%. The tertiary level gets 0.1%.
Native (indigenous) - naturally evolved to live in the area Western Red Cedar, Douglas Fir, Milkvetch, black squirrel Native (indigenous) - naturally evolved to live in the area Western Red Cedar, Douglas Fir, Milkvetch, black squirrel Native Species Species naturally evolved to live in the area. Ex. douglas fir, western red cedar, milkvetch, black squirrel
Non-native (invasive species) Species introduced by humans, by mistake or intentionally. Also called exotic species.
Kudzu - aka: foot a night vine, mile a minute vine, or the vine that ate the south! Ironically introduced for soil conservation purposes! $500 million per year in lost crops and control costs
Special Roles of Some Species Removal of keystone species will cause collapse of ecosystem
Special Roles of Some Species Keystone Species Pollinators Top Predators
Special Role of Some Species Indicator species - ecosystem smoke alarms - abundance of population indicator of overall health and viability of ecosystem
Species Interactions: Competition Interspecific competition- competition between two or more species As a result of competition, the two species evolve to gain separate, more specialized niches (co- evolution)
Species Interactions Mutualism - benefits both species Ex. pollination Commensalism - benefits one species, but has little effect on the other Ex. Fern living in the shade of a tree
Species Interactions: Parasitism Parasite - living on or in another species (host) Important ecological role of parasites- increase biodiversity by keeping species that may eliminate other species in check