Early Greeks
Geography of Greece Greece is a mountainous peninsula about the size of Louisiana. The mountains and the sea were the most important geographical influences on Greece. The many mountain ranges caused small, independent communities to develop different ways of life. City-States develop
Geography (con.) Greece is a peninsula about the size of Louisiana in the Mediterranean Sea. It ’ s very close to Egypt, the Persian empire (includes Turkey) and Rome.
Early Greek History (Minoans) By 2800 B.C., a Bronze Age civilization called the Minoan civilization was established on Crete. The Minoan civilization was the beginnings of the Greek Civilization BC
Minoans Minoans gave the Greeks their alphabet Greeks also copied many Minoan gods. The Minoan civilization on Crete suffered a catastrophe around 1450 B.C. – Great Tidal Wave – Mycenaean's invaded
The End for the Minoans Reasons for the downfall of the Minoans. Natural disaster- earthquakes are believed to have weakened the Minoans Mycenaean's invade Crete very easily. Why?
The Mycenaeans BC Conquered the Minoans. Were warlike people from the mainland of Greece.
The Mycenaean World: mid-2M B.C.E.
Mycenae, Acropolis Lions gate Mycenae was a city-state. City-State- a city that controls surrounding lands City-states were politically independent. The Acropolis was where the government functioned Acropolises were usually on a hill to help provide military defense.
Ruins of Mycenae
Homer Homer writes about the Mycenaean's and their great enemy the Trojans. Homer wrote the Iliad and Odyssey (epic poems)
Troy Troy was a Greek city located in modern day Turkey. Troy became rich with trade Troy is remembered for its great walls
Plan of the City of Troy
Wall of Troy Recreated
Reasons for the Trojan War 1. Troy was very wealthy so the Mycenaeans invaded. (like Crete) 2. Rivarly between Troy and Mycenae Legend Mycenaean Queen is taken to Troy. She will be known as Helen of Troy
Greek Dark Ages After the Mycenaean's fall Greece falls into a dark age. A dark age is a historic term for a period we know little about. People were not writing in the dark age. Why? Greece would rebound and produce great societies.