Franklin Pierce 14 president served for 1 term Charlotte V. 4A
Introduction Born: Hillsboro, New Hampshire 1804 Died: 1869 Date Elected:1852 age 48 Political Party: Democrat Interesting Fact: New Hampshire senator at 32
Early Life Franklin had four brothers and 3 sisters he was his parents 6 child Franklin’s dad served in the Revolutionary War First Franklin attended a local school, then he went to an academy in Hancock. Next he went to France town Academy. Later he went to Phillips Exeter Academy. Lastly he went to Bowdoin College.
Family Life Franklin was married to Jane Means Appleton Franklin had 3 kids their names were Franklin Jr,Frank Robert, and Ben
The Election Franklin ran against William A. Gramm Scott. Franklins vice president was William R. King. The election votes were 254 for Franklin and William 42 it was not a close race.
Significant Events One thing Franklin addressed was slavery This issue was important because he wanted to stop slavery
Life Accomplishments Franklin was a senator before he was president. Also he was a General in the army.
Interesting Facts Franklin was a senator in New Hampshire. In 1852 Franklin was elected. He was a General in the U.S army. He was against Slavery.
Works Cited World Book Kids Rumsch, BreAnn. Franklin Peirce: 14 th President of the United States