Progress with GaAs Pixel Detectors K.M.Smith University of Glasgow Acknowledgements: RD8 & RD19 (CERN Detector R.&D. collaboration) XIMAGE (Aixtron, I.M.C., Metorex, Freiburg, Glasgow, K.T.H.) MEDIPIX (CERN, Freiburg, Glasgow, Pisa) IMPACT (B.N.F.L., E.E.V., Oxford Instr., R.A.L., Glasgow, Imperial College, Leicester, UMIST) NSS Toronto 11/11/’98K.M.Smith
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Imaging 3 Requirements 0 Good 2-dimensional resolution(< 100 µm) 0 Linear dynamic range for low contrast (< 3%) 0 Lower dose to Patient/Sample in medical applications 0 Image processing capability (digital image) Readout Electronics Detector - Large dynamic range - 2-dimensional geometry (Pixel) - Single photon counting - High conversion efficiency for - Low noise energies in the range keV - Digital output - Good charge collection
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Why Single Photon Counting? Linear and extendable dynamic range Energy threshold 1) Compton suppression 2) Large signal-to-noise ratio 3) Insensitive to leakage current Local threshold tuning ( for each pixel): - can also be used for gain equalisation Asynchronous counting Minimum dead time
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Photon Counting Devices Monolithic Pixel Detectors Material budget (H.E.P.) – fabrication – cost – material choices – efficiency – application specific
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Photon counting devices Hybrid Pixel Sensors : separation of detector - r/o : material choice : efficiency : dynamic range smart pixels – cost – spatial resolution – bump bonding
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Hybrid Pixel Detectors
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Detection Modes Integration : spatial resolution : cheap : experience – dynamic range – detection efficiency – r/o speed – cost (if custom made) – charge integration Photon Counting : individual particle counting : choice of active media : detection-r/o separated : efficiency : dynamic range : “smart” pixels – spatial resolution – bump bonding – cost
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Pixel detectors Ω3 ROIC (CERN) Matrix of 128 rows and 16 columns –Row pitch (depth) = 50 m –Column pitch (width) = 500 m –total area = 8 x 6.35 mm 2 ENC ~ 100 e - rms Individual pixel addressing (mask + test) Globally adjustable threshold
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Ω3 50 m 500 m 28 m
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Image - Washer (Al) full matrix single column 500 m stepsingle column 50 m step GaAs - 3
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Image Quality (II) Flood image
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith MTF comparison
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith X-Ray Diffraction d d sin Bragg’s law 2d sin = n Powder Method X-ray beam Powder sample 22 detector
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Silicon Powder (XRD)
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Si-XRD (Resolution)
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Potassium Niobate (XRD)
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Potassium Niobate (XRD)
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Potassium Niobate
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith MEDIPIX A true single photon counting readout chip 64 x 64 pixel matrix pixel dim. 170 x 170 m 2 Sensitive area 1 cm 2 Individually adjust threshold 15-bit counter Frame r/o 384 s at 10MHz
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Image - Objects (Pb) Thickness 600 m GaAs detector
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Read-out Electronics Photon Counting Chip (PCC): based on ideas developed by the RD19 collaboration (CERN) SACMOS 1 m FASELEC Technology * Matrix of 64 x 64 Pixels Pixel size 170 m x 170 m * 1.2 cm 2 sensitive area * 1.7 cm 2 total area * 1.6 M transistors
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Pixel Design 0 Charge sensitive amplifier with leakage current compensation 0 Discriminator with globally settable threshold 0 3-bit local threshold adjustment 0 Individual pixel test and mask modes 0 Counting controlled by shutter signal 0 15-bit pseudo-random counter 0 16-bit I/O Bus 0 Readout frequency: max. 10 MHz Readout time: 384 s
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Performance of readout
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Detector performance Interesting energy range for medicine keV [NIST Physical Reference Data]
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Detector design Material: GaAs, S.I., 200 m thick * 64 x 64 pixel matrix square pixels of 170 x 170 m 2 * 1.2 cm 2 sensitive area
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Electrical performance of system System = detector flip-chip bonded to readout chip Bonded detector settings: min. mean threshold: ~2000 e - trimmed threshold rms: ~125 e - noise: ~200 e - (Note: a photon of 20 keV produces about 4700 e - in GaAs)
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Measurement of contrast ratio Signal Contrast Ratio: SCR = Signal to Noise: SNR= Distinguishing low contrast objects means: Earlier recognition of tumours Reduction of dose to patient Incident photons n n’ Object Detector | n - n’| n n
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Comparison of Experimental and Measured Contrast Ratios: Objects with Contrast Ratio of 1.9% can be Identified Results of Contrast Ratio Measurements
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Summary and Conclusions 4 Successful bump-bonding of 64 x 64 pixel array to ROIC 4 Measured threshold of ~2000 e - with ~125 e - rms 4 Images of a variety of objects illuminated with 241 Am- and 109 Cd-sources 4 Correctly identified objects of low contrast (1.9 %) 4 The system enables the evaluation of the potential and limitations of the photon counting method
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Gain map: detector X2:3 Image correction method
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Image correction beforeafter
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Hybridized GaAs pixel detector Sens-A-Ray Si-CCD
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Source Measurements: 241 Am ( -photons of 60 keV) Steel locking nut; Steel screw m thick 6 mm long; 1mm slot
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Pixelcell Layout Photo 170 m
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith First Measurement of an Organic Sample with 109 Cd source Fish Tail irradiation
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Measurements with sources: 109 Cd (photons of 22 and 25 keV) Tungsten wire, 500 m 300 m thick copper mask, 300 mm
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Contrast Measurements
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Electrical performance
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Source Measurements: 241 Am ( -photons of 60 keV) Steel screw Steel locking nut; 6 mm long; 1mm slot m thick
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Pixel cell
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Hybrid Pixel Detector
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Simulated response of ERD1 Si pixel detector
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Simulated response of Si pixel detector to 137 Cs
NSS Toronto 11/11/'98K.M.Smith Preliminary evaluation of MEDIPIX read-out chip on Glasgow LEC GaAs pixel detector