Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Lumi scans with wakefields in Merlin Lumi scans with wakefields in Merlin Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop at SLAC December 13 th, 2007
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Offset and angle scan from TESLA TDR Luminosity drops fast with small change of offset and/or angle How is the luminosity change for the ILC? Now check with beams generated by MERLIN: effect of wakefields (w/o and with quadrupole errors) influence of HOM and RF couplers (with wakefields) Results from beam-beam simulation with GUINEA-PIG from TESLA TDR TESLA parameters: y = 5nm, y = 12 rad
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, MERLIN beam parameters Merlin beam: 10 4 or 10 5 particles -> 5k or 50k per beam: generated with ILC2006c lattice file: x 600 nm x = 4.1 nm (nom IR: 5.7nm) x = 8 mmmrad (nom IR : 10 mmmrad) y = 0.02 mmmrad (nom IR : 0.04 mmmrad) no undulators, with BDS zz y y’ higher lumi than in RDR (~ cm -2 s -1 )
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Offset & angle scans: no quadrupole error Ideal machine, only influence of longitudinal wakefields 2 x 50 beams (different random numbers) Essentially no difference visible between the two samples longitudinal wakefield has no negative influence on lumi offset scan angle scan
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Quadrupole error Examples for 2 different quad error configurations mm Ideal machine: only longitudinal wakefields visible First test: to see the effect of vertical wakefields we need to be off-axis in vertical direction introduce quadrupole errors with = 500 m Run in 50 different configurations of quadrupole errors and with steering
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Offset & angle scans: with quadrupole errors 2 x 50 beams (different random numbers) and quadrupole errors( y = 500 m) Wakefield sample looks better than non-wakefield sample Stronger effect on beam angle than on offset offset scan angle scan
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Difference wakefield/ no-wakefield sample Wakefields cause the energy spread to be smaller - no wakefield - wakefield no wakefield with wakefield z z energy spread (because the RF angle (5.3˚) is tuned to be optimal with wakefields)
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Comparison of wakefield samples w/ and w/o quad errors To extract the effect of quad errors with wakefields on lumi compare wakefield samples with and without quad errors: L no QE = (2.9 ±0.1) cm -2 s -1 L QE = (2.7 ±0.2) cm -2 s -1 Loss due to vertical wakefields with only quad errors: 9% Angle and offset scans don’t help need more studies with realistic errors introduced in cavities, BPMs,… offset scan angle scan
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Reminder: HOM and RF couplers Merlin implementation: see talk of Dirk Krücker
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Offset & angle scan: comparison of old/new HOM coupler position old new angle scan offset scan (for y =0) Old coupler position needs stronger tuning in angle After angle tuning loose 12% in lumi with old coupler pos.
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Kick from RF field + coupler wakefields RF kick: quite strong, but steering works here: L no RF = (2.9 ± 0.1) cm -2 s -1 L RF, tuned = (3.0 ± 0.1) cm -2 s -1 consistent within error effects of RF and coupler kicks can be tuned away blue curve is with linear tuning in waist, dispersion, coupling (see talk of Dirk Krücker) offset scan angle scan
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Waist scan with MERLIN beam Waist scan for beam with RF and coupler kicks for best angle ( y / y = -0.4) Waist tuning: gain 3% of lumi
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Conclusions and Outlook Longitudinal wakefields have no negative influence on lumi No lumi gain due to offset/angle scans with vertical quad misalignment and wakefields New coupler geometry better than old one (gain ~12% of lumi) Influence of RF kick can be tuned away (at least if the rest of the accelerator is ideal…), linear tuning helps here Waist scan: gain ~3% of lumi with optimal waist To Do: Use more realistic accelerator errors and alignment to check influence of vertical wakefields and RF kicks (errors on cavities, BPMs,…)
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Backup slides
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Tuning the beam In reality: tune the beam to have the mean of the beam centered around 0 in the interaction point. Do it also in MERLIN (but no change in shape) see talk of Dirk Krücker for details
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Offset scan (ILC2006c): quadrupole error and tuned Looks similar to untuned sample, slightly better for the no wakefield case 2 x 50 beams with different quadrupole errors ( y = 500 m) tuned to have the mean centered around 0
Isabell-A. Melzer-Pellmann LET Beam Dynamics Workshop, Angle scan (ILC2006c): quadrupole error and tuned Looks similar to untuned sample. Looks similar to untuned sample, slightly better for the no wakefield case 2 x 50 beams with different quadrupole errors ( y = 500 m) tuned to have the mean centered around 0