1. Introduction 2. Magnetic field design Optimization of yoke configuration in several conf. Boundary conditions - <2mm in TPC volume, <50 gauss at 10m from I.P. - Detector region: R3.5m, Z= 4.25m 3. Mechanical design Stress/deformation against; - Magnetic force: tons - Self-weight: 8250 tons(B.Y) - Seismic force: 0.3G in the horizontal direction **Detail design of support structure 4. ** Make engineering drawings of; Iron yoke, Barrel yoke, End yoke 5. Assembling procedure Barrel yoke, End yoke 6. Experimental hall - Layout - E.Y. moving mechanism **Detail design is necessary. 7. Summary **) This item should be done by the end of Feb. Contents (Iron Yoke) Jan. 19, ’06 KEK H. Yamaoka GLD Detector outline Document: (Yoke/magnet) (c) New option mm-thick iron 50mm air gap 7 layers(B.Y.)
2. Magnetic field design Optimization of yoke configuration in several conf. (a) 500mm thick iron plate, 100mm air gap, 5 layers (b) 250mm thick iron plate, 50mm air gap, 9 layers *(c) 250mm thick(Inner layer) + 500mm thick(Outer) Boundary conditions - S10C - Field uniformity: <2mm in TPC volume - Leakage field: <50 gauss at 10m from I.P. - Detector region: R3.5m, Z= 4.25m *) New option (a) 500mm-thick iron 50mm air-gap(B.Y. – E.Y.) 100mm air gap for Muon 5 layers Presented at SNOWMASS (b) 250mm-thick iron 50mm air-gap(B.Y. – E.Y.) 50mm air gap for Muon 9 layers Presented at DOD kick-off meeting (c) New option mm-thick iron 50mm air-gap(B.Y. – E.Y.) 50mm air gap for Muon 7 layers Contents (Structure) 1. Introduction 2. Magnetic field design 3. Mechanical design 4. Engineering drawings 5. Assembling procedure 6. Experimental hall 7. Summary Barrel Yoke End Yoke
(a) 500mm-thick iron (b) 250mm-thick iron (c) New option: mm-thick iron Leakage field: <50 gauss at 10m from I.P.
3. Mechanical design Stress/deformation against; - Magnetic force: tons - Self-weight: 8250 tons(B.Y) - Seismic force: 0.3G in the horizontal direction **Detail design of support structure **) This item should be done by the end of Feb. 0.8mm 1.5mm Self-weight 0.3G Seismic force Contents (Structure) 1. Introduction 2. Magnetic field design 3. Mechanical design 4. Engineering drawings 5. Assembling procedure 6. Experimental hall 7. Summary 57mm Magnetic force (b) 250mm-thick iron 50mm air-gap(B.Y. – E.Y.) 50mm air gap for Muon 9 layers Support plate
4. ** Make engineering drawings of; Iron yoke, Barrel yoke, End yoke 5. Assembling procedure Barrel yoke, End yoke **) This item should be done by the end of Feb. Contents (Structure) 1. Introduction 2. Magnetic field design 3. Mechanical design 4. Engineering drawings 5. Assembling procedure 6. Experimental hall 7. Summary EY: Assembled by welding. Iron plates to be bolted on the support frame Transportation limit 3.2W x 12m Length
6. Experimental hall - Layout - E.Y. moving mechanism **Detail design is necessary. **) This item should be done by the end of Feb. Contents (Structure) 1. Introduction 2. Magnetic field design 3. Mechanical design 4. Engineering drawings 5. Assembling procedure 6. Experimental hall 7. Summary
1. Introduction 2. General design - Magnetic field: 3T - Size: 4m radiusx8.86m length - 2 layer (Main coil) + 4 layer (Correction coil) - Calorimeter: Inside of the solenoid - In-direct cooling 3. Coil design Superconductor: 6.5mm x 45mm Magnetic force on the coil: 130MPa max. **Coil support - Cold mass(78 tons) + Decentering force(380 tons) - Thermal shrinkage/Load (60mm dia., 6x2 rods in phi, 14 rods in Z.) 4. Cryostat design - O.rad: 4.4m x I.rad: 3.72m x Length: 9.5m - 40mm(Outer), 60mm(Inner), 100mm(End) **Support configuration for Cal. 5. ** Make engineering drawings. 6. Assembling procedure 7. Summary 6.5mm 45mm Contents (Solenoid magnet) **) This item should be done by the end of Feb.
Design of Coil supports (by K. Tanaka) Static loads - Cold mass: 78 tons - De-centering force: 380 tons (Axial) (Unbalance force) 130 tons (Phi) ZZ RR Coil Iron De-centering force (Unbalance force) Coil supports - Thermal load: 5 Watt - Thermal shrinkage: 40mm(Axial) 20x10e-6/ ℃ 20mm(Phi) Rough estimation; 60mm, 6x2 rods(Phi), 14 rods(Axial) - Axial dir. - Phi dir. Detail design is necessary.