What It Looks Like This is the console USB slot Game slot Memory card slot Power button Sync button
The Hard Drive This is the hard drive. You save data to it so you still have what you saved.
The Console This is the main system. You put the game in it and it also allows you to save data. It is better to have a hard drive though.
The Controller This is a controller. You cant do anything without it.
The Headset The headset allows you to talk to other people in the world.
Charge Chord If you have chargeable controller you use this to charge it.
X-BOX LIVE X-box live allows you to play with other people in the world. You couldn’t use the headset if you didn’t have x-box live.
THE WIRELESS ADAPTER For x-box live you need the adapter to put on the back on the x-box to get internet to play.
AV CABLE This is the AV cable if you don’t have this then you cant see what you are doing on the screen.
AC ADAPTER The AC adapter is one of the most important things. If you did not have this the x-box would not turn on.
POWER CABLE The power cable is what you use to plug into the wall so the x-box will work.
POWER SUPPLY ADAPTER This allows you to connect all cable into one so all cable can work together.
THAT ’ S HOW IT WORKS Now you know how to use a X-box. You know the names of the cords and how to use them and what they do. You also know how to have fun with the x-box.