SAT Words Root 6
27. cajole Managers and promoters come up and flatter him, cajole him into working for them, but at last he escapes again.
cajole (cuh-JOLE) verb Sounds like: cage hole Picture… a large cat sitting outside a parakeet’s cage. The cage has small hole at the top. Inside, a parakeet is perched on a swing. “You have the most beautiful feathers I’ve ever seen,” says the cat. “The colors are magnificent. Why don’t you squeeze out through that hole so I can get a better look at you?” Other forms: cajolery, cajolement (nouns) Definition: to fool with flattery or false promises; coax; deceive
28. consummate Art points us toward this goal, but it does not consummate it.
consummate (KON-soo-mate) verb Sounds like: consume mate Picture… black widow spiders which have a bizarre end to their mating ritual. After mating is complete, the female actually consumes (eats) the male. Other forms: consummation (noun); consummate (adjective) Note: As an adjective, “consummate” (KON-soo- met) means “perfect” or “highly-skilled.” Definition: to complete or make whole
29. conviction The values we address today do not simply resonate among people with deeply held conviction.
conviction (kun-VIK-shun) noun Sounds like: Convict Shawn. Picture… being part of a jury working on the trial of a man named Shawn. The prosecutor is addressing his opening remarks to the jury: “I believe with all my heart that Shawn is guilty. I know he committed this terrible crime. When you see the evidence, you’ll also be sure, and you will convict Shawn.” Other form: convicted (adjective) Definition: an opinion that is strongly held
30. criteria Six patients improved so much they no longer met the criteria for legal blindness.
criteria (cry-TEER-ee-uh) noun Looks like: cry tearier Picture… the director advising an actress who is trying out for a role in the show: “When you get to the part where you find out your horse has died, you must cry tearier. We’re using this scene to make our decision about who gets the part, and the more tears, the better your chances.” Other form: criterion (singular) Definition: requirements or standards used to make a decision
31. culpable Investigators have failed to find anyone culpable for killing civilians.
culpable (CULP-uh-bull) adjective Sounds like: gulpable Picture… a little boy who has just done something wrong and is being questioned by his mother. He swallows hard, making a “gulp” sound. Other forms: culpability (n); culpably (adv) Connect with… culprit. Definition: guilty; blameworthy
Root 6: fer; lat Confer with dreamers for inspiration and let the wind dictate your direction.
fer; lat Meaning: to bear, bring, go Sample words: confer; collate; transfer; defer; elated