Tackling Homophobia Produced by students from Didcot Sixth Forms with HOST support
Ground Rules
Lesson Plan 1. Warm-up: Prejudice 2. Photos- Why do we bully? 3. Definitions 4. Tackling prejudice 5. Challenging others 6. Your own challenge!
Tackling Homophobic (and other) Bullying
Prejudice From the Latin ‘pre’ (before) and ‘judice’ (judgement) It means judging something before you have enough information about it. ‘thinking bad thoughts about something or someone based on what you see or hear’
Prejudice Did you have enough information about the different foods and the different people to make a proper judgement?
Think! 1 -Would any of these people be bullied? 2 -How would these people be bullied? 3 -Do some of these people deserve to be bullied?
With words, we can tear people down, or build them up……
Spot the Heterosexual! Definitions Heterosexual:' a person who is emotionally/romantically/physically attracted to people of the opposite sex’ Heterosexual:' a person who is emotionally/romantically/physically attracted to people of the opposite sex’ Homosexual/gay/lesbian: ‘a person who is emotionally/romantically/physically attracted to people of the same sex’ Homosexual/gay/lesbian: ‘a person who is emotionally/romantically/physically attracted to people of the same sex’ Bisexual: ‘a person who is emotionally/romantically/physically attracted to people of both sexes’ Bisexual: ‘a person who is emotionally/romantically/physically attracted to people of both sexes’
Why did I have this view of each person? ‘We don’t know the correct orientation of each person. They could all be straight, they could all be gay. It’s wrong to assume just by looking’
Think about your own prejudices…. ‘That’s so gay!’ I don’t think so……. Gay is OK! How would you feel if your name or identity was used instead of ‘gay’ and used all the time? What does that mean? Do you mean ‘stupid or weird’? If so, you’re saying that gay people are stupid and weird. What’s the difference between that comment and a racist one? How can an object have a sexual orientation? This is a homophobia free zone. Your comments won’t be tolerated.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu ‘all are insiders, no one is an outsider, no one is an alien, all, white, black, brown, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, young, old, those with disabilities, and those without, the gay, the lesbian, the straight, all, all belong together in God’s rainbow family’
Your Challenge! Remember: With words, we can tear people down or build them up……