Review of DB Technologies (Akhtar Ali) A Review of Current Database Systems (1) Database Research and Achievements The DB research community plays a foundational role in creating the technological infrastructure from which database advancements evolve. Most of current and next generation DB applications will require solutions to new research problems e.g. Support for multimedia objects (storage and searching by contents) Distribution of information, distributed transaction management Meeting high performance in the presence of large volumes of data (due to increasing hardware capability/capacity and falling memory/storage prices)
Review of DB Technologies (Akhtar Ali) (2) Current Database Technologies Systems: Relational, Object-Relational, Object-Oriented From centralized to distributed to parallel to mobile to P2P (Peer to Peer). Special Purpose: GIS, Genomic, Multimedia Technologies Data warehousing, data mining, OLAP Semi-Structured, web-enabled, XML (data-centric) Digital libraries
Review of DB Technologies (Akhtar Ali) (3) New Research Directions Problems associated with managing multimedia objects into databases. Problems involving new paradigms for distribution of information. New uses of databases. New transaction models. Stream processing. Semi-structured and XML data management. Problems associated with “database everywhere” Self-managing, self-organizing, self-optimising and self- healing DBMS.
Review of DB Technologies (Akhtar Ali) (4) References Jim Gray - Microsoft.The Next Database Revolution. ACM SIGMOD 2004 (copy provided). Avi Silberschatz, Mike Stonebraker, Jeff Ullman (eds.). Database Research: Achievements and Opportunities Into the 21st Century.SIGMOD Record, 1996 (on Blackboard). Peter Gray. Database + Knowledge Bases Research Directions. CPHC Workshop on Research Directions for TAE Themes, Manchester,