LEAD21 Unit 7: Local Leaders Week 1 Day 4
Extend the Theme Theme Question: What role does the government play in my community? Focus Question: What is a government? What kinds of things does local government do for a community? Why do you think the author called the book “Our Leaders, Our Helpers?”
Extend Theme Vocabulary Theme Vocabulary governmentelecttaxes Would a government meeting be funny or serious most of the time? Would you elect a person or an animal? Would taxes be used to fix a road or to go on a vacation?
Visualize What are some other strategies you know? Let’s look on page 14. When I first read this page, I didn’t understand what the local government had to do with school fire alarms. I monitored my comprehension by rereading the text. When I did, I visualized the fire alarms in our school. We have many alarms. They are in every hallway. I can make an inference that the local government decides how many fire alarms a school needs and where they should go.
Use Text Evidence PagesQuestionText Evidence 7What role does the government play in my community? The text says that local governments take care of schools, make laws, and provide clean water. 6-9What role does the council play? 10-11What role do the people in the community play in the local government? 12-16What other roles does local government play?
Word Study Abbreviations are short forms of words. Can you figure out the abbreviations for the underlined words below? To go to City Hall, get off the bus at Long Street. Walk until you get to West Pine Avenue. Turn right onto Spring Drive. Go two blocks and turn left. City Hall is at 25 North Bell Road.
Spelling Show me something a student made in class this year. Show the face you make when you fear something. Point to a space on the floor that is clear. Point to where a beard would be on your face. Walk quietly over here. Show how a deer eats. Cheer three times. Show how you would steer a bike.
Revise the Poem When writers revise their work, they look for places to Add descriptive language. Replace words with strong adjectives. Fix lines that don’t rhyme.
Revise the Model Can you revise the poem below ? On a cold day, Liz and her sisters went outside. Once they’d finished they’re slay ride They came inside.