Functions of the Family
Socialization is the process by which children learn to become human and adopt certain behavior. The early socialization of children is almost entirely dependent on the family unit.
Several studies have shown that without socialization children will not automatically learn to speak, read, write, and have normal human functions and feelings. There have also been several of these children found in recent history which have proven this. These children were incapable to communicate and acted no different than a wild animal.
Parents and siblings alike play key roles in the development of new children within a family. Speaking, morals, values and culture are all instilled by the family (predominantly the parents, but also siblings). Communication is vital within a family to create healthy and “normal” children.
At one time, children were seen as a source of labor to be used on the farm, or to be sent off to factories to work to help provide for the family. As times changed, and we became a more affluent society, this trend began to dwindle. Children now are expected to go to, and graduate high school and then move on to secondary education or to the workforce and move out of the house.
Boomerang Generation is one of several terms applied to the current generation of young adults in Western culture, born approximately between 1975 and They are so named for the frequency with which they choose to cohabitate with their parents after a brief period of living alone - thus boomeranging back to their place of origin. This cohabitation can take many forms, ranging from situations that mirror the high dependency of pre- adulthood to highly independent, separate-household arrangements. x x
Simply stated this is the process of individuals having children and creating new families. Birth rates are declining in the Western world. In Canada we have a rapidly aging population (Baby Boomers) and rely on immigrants to bring down the median age. 26/dq061026b-eng.htm 26/dq061026b-eng.htm
A healthy sexual relation is also pivotal between the parents within a family. At one time, a wife would have expected to constantly be pregnant throughout the marriage (until menopause). Now, with modern contraceptives this is not nearly as common. However, what was once a major reason not to have extra-marital affairs, these contraception’s now perhaps make it more possible.
Psychologists argue that the emotional support within families is a huge function of the family as well. Without this support, children may end up with possible mental health issues. The Canadian Mental Health Association estimates that 20% of Canadians will experience a mental health issue in their life.
In pairs, read pages 6-12 and answer questions 1- 4 on page 12. We will then have a class discussion about the questions and you will be asked as groups to provide your answers.