Causes War between France and Great Britain threatens shipping British policy of impressment infuriates Americans War Hawks in Congress (Henry Clay, John Calhoun, etc.) seek land in Canada President Madison believes that Britain is trying to ruin the American economy
Events December 1812: President Madison re-elected. Americans suffer early defeats on the Canadian border due to military cuts March 1813 : American naval heroes Isaac Chauncey and Oliver Perry defeat British fleet on the Great Lakes October 1813: American William Henry Harrison defeats British and Native American forces at the Battle of Thames; Indian leader Tecumseh killed, Indian confederacy collapses. August 1814: British burn Washington, DC; First Lady Dolley Madison saves portrait of George Washington
September 1814: Francis Scott Key, imprisoned on a British ship, watches Americans forces at Fort Mc Henry hold off the British; he is inspired to write “ The Star Spangled Banner” Events (cont’d.)
December 24, 1814: Treaty of Ghent; establishes a cease fire without resolving the issues that led to the war. December 1814: Unaware that the Treaty of Ghent has been signed, Andrew Jackson wins a major victory against British forces at the Battle of New Orleans. Events (cont’d.)
Effects US-Great Britain establish peaceful relations: (1) commercial treaty reopens trade; (2) 49 th parallel become border of Louisiana Purchase (3) 10 year join occupation of Oregon – Rush-Bagot Agreement Americans confirm the Revolution was not a fluke by winning the “second war for American independence” Nationalism in the United States grows.