John 12: John 13: 1-17 John 12: John 13: 1-17 A Kingdom Built On The Humility Of The King
A Humble Entrance “…your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt.” (John 12:15/Zech.9:9) virgin, stable, Nazareth, death, tomb “Hosanna” Hebrew imperative “save now” O.T. kings used horses for war and donkey’s for peace missions Humility: no desire for increased status, content with God’s will virgin, stable, Nazareth, death, tomb “Hosanna” Hebrew imperative “save now” O.T. kings used horses for war and donkey’s for peace missions Humility: no desire for increased status, content with God’s will
A Humble Exit “…He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet…” (Jn. 13:5) Last supper represents departure Humility is love in action He loves people more than kingdom Humble love, unquenched by evil Humble love submits, destroys barriers, takes initiative Last supper represents departure Humility is love in action He loves people more than kingdom Humble love, unquenched by evil Humble love submits, destroys barriers, takes initiative
A Humble Example “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” (John 13: 15) humble love is forgiving & unselfish humble love changes us and others humble love towards others builds the kingdom of God humble love places others first it is the crown jewel of Christianity humble love is forgiving & unselfish humble love changes us and others humble love towards others builds the kingdom of God humble love places others first it is the crown jewel of Christianity