THE LAST SUPPER Chapter 17. John 6 Jesus had just fed the 5000 and walked on water Told His followers that unless they ate His flesh and drank His blood.


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Presentation transcript:


John 6 Jesus had just fed the 5000 and walked on water Told His followers that unless they ate His flesh and drank His blood they would not have life in them  The crowd grumbled and asked how this was possible  Gave Jesus a chance to take back what He said  Jesus repeated it more clearly  The crowd left Him Jesus asked Peter if the disciples were going to leave as well  Peter: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”  Illustrated belief, even though there wasn’t understanding

The Last Supper Jesus gave us the Eucharist  Jesus turned bread and wine into His Body and Blood  Given to the disciples  They were united to Him  They were united in Him to all those who ever have received the Eucharist Happened while He was celebrating Passover  Passover prefigured (foreshadowed the religious event of) the Last Supper

Passover Celebration remembering God’s rescue of the Jews from Egypt At the original Passover, the Angel of Death came through Egypt  Struck down firstborn sons of the Egyptians  Israelites protected Israelites had been instructed to offer sacrifice  One spotless lamb per family  Wooden doorpost to be marked with its blood  They ate the lamb, as well as unleavened bread and bitter herbs  Allowed the Angel of Death to “pass over” the house

Passover The Eucharist Freed people from Angel of Death and Slaver in Egypt Offering of a pure lamb Blood of lamb spread on wooden doorpost Unleavened bread eaten Shared by the whole Israelite community Frees us from eternal death and slavery to sin Offering of the pure Lamb of God Blood of Christ spread on wooden cross post Unleavened bread used in the Consecration Shared by the whole Church community Prefiguring the Eucharist

The History of Sacrifice People have always felt the need to make sacrifice for their sins Firstfuit offerings made on altars in the OT  People offered their best goods (cattle, produce, etc.)  Temporary offerings, didn’t satisfy God Cain and Abel

4 Purposes of Sacrifice Adore God Thank God Make up for sin Ask for help (petition)

Sanctification Math Eternal Sin  People sinned against God -> God is eternal -> people committed a sin of eternal offense Need for Eternal Sacrifice  Only an eternal Sacrifice could make up for an eternal offense against God  Christ is God -> God is eternal -> Christ is eternal -> Sacrificing Christ is an eternal Sacrifice Need for a human priest  Humanity sinned -> humanity should make up for the sin Christ is both human priest and eternal sacrifice (victim)  Therefore, He is the perfect sacrifice  He freely offered the sacrifice (as priest) of His own life (the sacrifice) for our salvation  Oblation: Total offering of a victim in a sacrifice We participate in His sacrifice by receiving Holy Communion  “Do this in memory of Me”

The Eucharist Eucharist: The whole Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ  Whoever receives the Eucharist receives all of Him  Also called the Real Presence Transubstantiation  Bread and wine becomes Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity  Change of substance  Keeps the appearance of bread and wine  Same taste, odor, color, weight The Eucharist is one of 7 Sacraments  An outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace

The Everlasting Sacrifice Jesus’ sacrifice alone has the power to make fix the damage of sin  We have to partake in the sacrifice to earn this grace  Which explains what Jesus said in John 6 Jesus wanted us to be able to partake  Started the priesthood for this reason  “Do this in memory of Me”  Luke 22:19 Sacrifice of the altar is the same sacrifice as Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary  Difference is the appearance, bloody v. bloodless  When at the Consecration, we are literally at the foot of the cross