Suzanne Burns Maui Community College Advisors Ben Wheeler and Kyle Erickson The R 0 Calculator
over 100 islands, reefs and shoals… K ā nemiloha‘i Pihemanu Hawaiian Archipelago Mokumanamana Mokup ā papa Kau ō Papa‘ ā poho Holoikauaua P ū h ā honu Ni’ihau Kaho’olawe Kauai Lana’i Moloka’i Maui O’ahu Hawai’i Nalukakala Nihoa Haleakala, Maui
Imaging in outer space LENS CCD
Imaging from Earth without Adaptive Optics LENS CCD
R 0 Formula R0=R0= F W λ
The wavelength of incoming light (millimeters) lens = λ
W λ R = 0 F The focal length of the system (meters) = CCD lens
W CCD Threshold Maximum Intensity
W CCD Maximum Intensity Threshold 2
W CCD Threshold 2
W/2 F θ /2 When θ is small tan θ /2 = θ /2 tan θ /2 = θ /2 F
W/2 = D λ /2 θ /2 = λ /2 F D θ /2 F
W/2W = D λ λ /2 F D θ /2 = F = /2
D R 0 Formula R0R0 W λ = F
ASCII formatted frame data from Mat lab Program compiled in Dev-C++ Click and drag file over program icon to run This C++ Program calculates and outputs R 0 estimates at 2 thresholds on images taken without AO: Sample Result
R = λ F λ F W 0 ?
over 100 islands, reefs and shoals… K ā nemiloha‘i Pihemanu Hawaiian Archipelago Mokumanamana Mokup ā papa Kau ō Papa‘ ā poho Holoikauaua P ū h ā honu Ni’ihau Kaho’olawe Kauai Lana’i Moloka’i Maui O’ahu Hawai’i Nalukakala Nihoa Special Thanks to Kahu Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell
Mahalo TREX Management Ben Wheeler Kyle Erikson Alan Hunter Dr. Mike Flannigan Dennis Douglas James Campbel
Thank you for your support Lisa Hunter Malika Bell Hilary O’Bryan Mark Hoffman The ECET Team Wallette Pellegrino Isla Yap Leslie Wilkins Funding provided through the Center for Adaptive Optics, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center (STC AST
Sources REFERENCES: "The C Programming Language" Prentice Hall Software Series, Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie "Annotated Solution Guide for Thinking in C++", 2nd edition, V1, Chuck Allison, c.2001 "Thinking in C++",2nd ed. V 1, Bruce Eckel c. 2000