+ READING VISUALLY What Is In the Details
+ Reading Visually Can you tell what’s happening if there are no words?
+ Two Layers of Reading the Visual What does the picture present? Icons Tone Background versus foreground The frame What is the the point of view/perspective from which the creator of the visual presentation is seeing it? What is the lens? As an audience member, how do you think that lens influences the way the artist sees his subject?
+ Iconography Can you think of any icons? What are they?
+ Tone: Use of Light and Darkness How does the darkness influence the tone?
+ Tone: Use of Light and Darkness How does the light influence the tone?
+ Tone: Color How does the artist Mark Rothko use color to influence the tone?
+ Background vs. Foreground What gets emphasized? Why did the artist decide to place it there?
+ Framing What is kept in the frame? What is cut out of the frame? Why might a cartoonist want to control what goes in and what is kept out?
+ The Lens is… The Renaissance Worldview An interest in recovering/studying Latin and Greek literary, historical, & oratorical texts A search for realism and human emotion in art The development of linear perspective in painting The practice of studying and improving the secular and worldly, both through the revival of ideas from antiquity, and through novel approaches to thought
+ Application: The techniques & the Lens