OUR SOLAR SYSTEM By: Annamary Gilbert
The Solar System OOur Solar System consists of stars, planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, gas, and because of us, space junk. OOur Solar System’s planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. TThe sun is the center of our solar system. OOur solar system is in the Milky-Way Galaxy. PPluto was a regular planet but was downgraded to a dwarf planet. AAnother dwarf planet is Eris.
Planets We have 8 planets in our solar system. Mercury-The smallest planet in our Solar system. Venus-The surface of Venus is very dry. Earth-The only known planet to maintain life. Jupiter-The red spot on Jupiter is a raging Hurricane. Saturn-Saturn has 62 known moons Uranus-The atmosphere of Uranus is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. Neptune-Neptune is a gaseous planet made up of hydrogen, helium, methane, with some ammonia and water.
The Inner Planets The Inner Planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. What separates the inner and outer planets is the Asteroid Belt.
The Outer Planets The outer planets are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The outer planets are also known as The Gas Giants. Jupiter is the first and biggest Giant.
Earth Earth is the planet that we live on. Another name for Earth is Terro. It’s surface is 70% water and 30% land. Earth contains canyons, water, mountains, deserts, and, ice lands.
Earth’s Surface Earth has 7 main bodies of land: North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia, and Antarctica. These bodies of land are the continents. The U.S.A is located in North America.
Earth’s Water TThe earth has 5 oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic. TThe largest ocean is the Atlantic. TThe smallest is the Arctic Ocean. OOnly about 2.5% is fresh water the rest is too salty to drink.
Mars Surface Mars surface is very dry. It used to have volcanoes, but now its just a barren wasteland. Why is Mars the Red Planet? Because the dirt on the planet is red.
Mars Surface It contains an ice cap on its North Pole. It has a volcano called Olympus Mons Olympus Mons Is the largest volcano in our solar system.
Curiosity CCuriosity is a rover on Mars. TThree things that Curiosity found are: Meteorites, water in the soil, and mountains. IIt weighs about 2,000 pounds Look! Curiosity also found an alien
How are Earth and Mars Alike… They are both in our solar system They are both the rocky planets made of rock and metal They are both part of the inner planets They have the same amount of dry land They don’t have rings
How are Earth and Mars Different... Earth can maintain life: trees, plants, animals, and people. Mars is Half the size of earth >
So, to sum everything up… We learned about: The planets in our solar system Other things in space Some space exploration How Earth and Mars are alike/different
I hope you learned a ALOT!!