WriteTraits VOICE
How can you read VOICE?
Voice Is the trait that keeps readers reading Is the trait that keeps readers reading Your ideas are what you have to say Your ideas are what you have to say Your voice is how you say it Your voice is how you say it
Writer’s Voice Voice is the author’s fingerprint on the page. Voice is the author’s fingerprint on the page.
Writer’s Voice The writing sounds just like the author. The writing sounds just like the author. The reader knows the feelings and opinions of the author. The reader knows the feelings and opinions of the author.
Which writing has the strongest voice? Why? I went canoeing with friends. They brought their dog. It was hot outside. The water felt good. The dog liked to play in the water and went canoeing with us. We all got wet. It was fun!
Story 2 One sizzling August afternoon my friends and I cruised down the Wisconsin River in a bright red canoe. Their energetic golden retriever, Paddington, rode along with us. Whenever one of us would shout, "Switch sides!" Paddington would jump up and dance around. One time he leaped so high, he tipped the bouncing boat and we all flopped into the water splashing and laughing like baby seals. What fun we had that day!
Decide Which author grabs and holds your attention and was more fun to read? Which author grabs and holds your attention and was more fun to read?
In the second story you could hear the writer's voice. The author's enthusiasm made it easy for readers to imagine what was happening. In the second story you could hear the writer's voice. The author's enthusiasm made it easy for readers to imagine what was happening.
Voice - is what gives your writing personality, flavor and style Questions to think about as you write: Can you tell I am enthusiastic about my topic? Can you tell I am enthusiastic about my topic? Does this writing sound like me? Does this writing sound like me? How do I want my readers to feel? How do I want my readers to feel? Will my story hold readers' attention? Will my story hold readers' attention? Will they want to hear more? Will they want to hear more?
“Showing vs. Telling" writing This is a good way to practice voice This is a good way to practice voice Showing sentence, lacking voice: Showing sentence, lacking voice: Ex. The dog was angry and I was scared. Telling sentence using lots of voice: Telling sentence using lots of voice: Ex. Now this was not the kind of dog I'd want to have curled up in my lap. It was a German Shepard with teeth bared and he seemed ready to make me his next main course.
Can I hear your voice? Showing sentence: My mother was baking and it smelled good. Now you write a telling sentence showing your voice.
When Writing A Story Decide who will tell the readers about the events that will happen Decide who will tell the readers about the events that will happen This is called ‘Point of View’ of the story This is called ‘Point of View’ of the story This shapes the story the reader will ‘hear’ This shapes the story the reader will ‘hear’ It shows the writer’s voice through another character It shows the writer’s voice through another character
Activity Now read a 5 th grader’s paragraph that has little voice. Now read a 5 th grader’s paragraph that has little voice. “Rip in the Pants” Just about a week ago my teacher had a rip in his pants. It was really funny. I didn’t see it right away but someone told me. Then I saw it and wanted to laugh but I held it in. Then someone told him and everyone started to laugh. Then he went home to change. The End
Your Turn Write about the teacher’s ripped pants from different points of view. Remember to use your best voice.
Write the Story As if you were: As if you were: A. The teacher B. A student who likes the teacher C. A student who does not like the teacher the teacher D. The pants
Share – use this rubric Quick Student Assessment for Voice DIRECTIONS: Circle what you believe to be the correct response to the paper. Honest and sincereSome sincerity, some phoniness Sounds phony or fake Writer seems excited about topic Writer shows some excitement for topic Writer sounds bored with topic Keeps reader interestedSomewhat interestingSounds like an encyclopedia article Has feeling and emotionSome feeling and emotion Lifeless and boring Emotion was obvious- Circle one:(sad, funny, angry, exciting, scary) Emotion was there but in small quantity Who knows what the emotion was? Shows the writer's personality Shows some personalityCould be anybody's paper Unique, different, unusualSome originality is evident Lacks originality Written to be enjoyedSome parts written to be enjoyed Written only to fulfill assignment
Voice Writing Assignment Finish the following statements with a true or made up story using as much voice as possible. The piece can be any length. Be sure to include what you know about ideas and organization in your writing. This piece must be double spaced. Finish the following statements with a true or made up story using as much voice as possible. The piece can be any length. Be sure to include what you know about ideas and organization in your writing. This piece must be double spaced. We will be sharing and scoring how sad, amused, angry, excited, or scared the story made you feel in class next day. We will be sharing and scoring how sad, amused, angry, excited, or scared the story made you feel in class next day.
CHOICES: It makes me SAD when... It makes me SAD when... The FUNNIEST thing that ever happened to me was... The FUNNIEST thing that ever happened to me was... I really get ANGRY when... I really get ANGRY when... The most EXCITING thing I ever did was... The most EXCITING thing I ever did was... The SCARIEST thing I remember is... The SCARIEST thing I remember is...