LC-SE project Damian Sutton Head of Modern Foreign Languages. Bishop Rawstorne CE Language College, Croston,Lancashire.
LC-SE project Bishop Rawstorne CE Language College, Croston & Lycée Guy Moquet, Châteaubriant
The project First steps Providing a focus Pupil portfolio Stimulating creative interest Exploiting all eventualities
The final objective Pupils meet in Croston Treasure hunt Sports events
Most popular features of the project for pupils at Bishop Rawstorne Excitement of receiving correspondence Sharing creative ideas Getting to know French partners Breaking down cultural barriers
Most worthwhile experiences for pupils at Bishop Rawstorne Reading and writing of letters Meeting French partners Taking initiative in a foreign language Sharing views on topical issues
Areas that we would like to develop at Bishop Rawstorne School based Choice of topic focus Videoconferencing Project management Cross curricular involvement
Why our pupils would recommend this project Regular contact with a native speaker On-line peer support Development of linguistic skills Cultural exchange Enjoyment Maintaining contact beyond the project
This years progress Initial introductions Mon job Lexpérience de travail Preparation of information using stimulus to tie in with GCSE coursework
This years progress Mon job Réponds aux questions suivantes en fran çais: As-tu un job? Quand travailles tu? Cest bien payé? Aimes-tu ton job? Est-ce que tu reçois largent de poche? Quest-ce que tu fais avec ton argent? Largent de poche – une bonne idée ou une perte de temps?
This years progress La nourriture Quest-ce que tu aimes et naimes pas manger et boire? Que penses-tu du fastfood? Quelle sorte de nourriture est-ce que tu aimes et naimes pas? Cest comment la cuisine française?
For updates on our progress or to find out more about our project for this year…