Black Death aka the Plague
History & General Facts Originated in Black rats, originally from Asia. Transmitted from rats to humans through fleas. Entered Europe via trading routes from Asia. Spread quickly The Black Death bacterium is called Yersinia Pestis and can manifest itself in three forms: 1.The Septicemic plague (rare)- transmitted by direct contact with a flea. Affects the blood and turns the skin black. 2.The Bubonic plague (most common)- also transmitted by direct contact with a flea. It is distinguishable by large bubbles on the skin. 3.The Pneumonic plague- was transmitted through airborne droplets of saliva coughed up by Bubonic or Septicemic infected humans.
Path of the Plague
Effects of the Black Death Between , the plague killed over 25 million people in Europe. Took 400 years for Europe’s population to regain its pre-Black Death numbers. Plague is believed to be responsible for over 34 million deaths. Has toppled economies, social status, religious beliefs etc...
Recurrence The plague was never eliminated, still existing in isolated cases today. Recurrences in Europe continued into the 17 century. Could it occur again? What would be the effect?
Avian Flu Also originated in Asia Virus found in birds Virus passed to humans through direct contact with live infected birds. Scare is that the virus will infect migratory birds. So far 61 humans have died as a result of the Avian flu.