1 of x Teacher Online Standardisation (T-OLS) Welcome Screen and Getting Started Assessment Criteria Navigation Exemplar piece of work Customising Standardising Standardising – making notes Standardising – entering marks Standardising – submitting your marks Standardising – comparison with Principal Moderator
2 of x Welcome Screen and Getting Started Login to e-AQA at aqa.org.uk/tols Click here to change component Shows you which component you are logged in to Once you have read the welcome message and any useful information click here to begin standardising Any useful documents will be shown here
3 of x Assessment Criteria The first screen you will be shown is the assessment criteria for you to familiarise yourself with prior to starting, however these will be available throughout the standardisation process. When you are ready to view the exemplar work click “next task”
4 of x Navigation Help and FAQs tabs are available throughout the standardisation Use the dropdown menu to navigate between the different stages
5 of x Exemplar piece of work Breakdown of the marks by the Principal Moderator Principal Moderators commentary is shown in this box, if you click “go” in the right hand column it will take you to that comment in the piece of work. You will be presented with an exemplar piece of work for you to go through first. This piece of work has the centre marks recorded as well as the Principal moderators commentary and mark break down Assessment criteria for your reference throughout the standardisation To print the pieces of work click here
6 of x Customising The drop down menu in the top right allows you to customise how you see the work, mark sheets and annotation. If you want to just look at the piece of work click on this button
7 of x Standardising After you have gone through the exemplar work and you are ready to begin, select the next piece of work from the drop down box. You will be presented with the overview for this piece of work You can toggle between this overview and the standardisation piece of work by moving between the tabs at the top Once you have entered your marks on the piece of work they will populate where the question marks are
8 of x Standardising – making notes To make notes on the work left click This will then bring up a text box, once you have written your comment click save and it will appear as a red icon, if you hover over it you can see what you have written You can also see your comments in the annotation overview box You will notice on the standardisation pieces of work there are no centre marks or Principal Moderator comments when you are marking
9 of x Standardising – entering marks Once you have gone through the work you can enter you marks by clicking in the “your mark” column and selecting from the list. Your mark will then show as red
10 of x Standardising – submitting your marks After you have entered all your marks in the grid, select the “overview” tab again and it should show a tick in all of the boxes to indicate you have filled in a mark If you are happy with your marks click on the “submit” button (note you can only click on it once all marks have been filled in) This will then show you your marks and the principal moderators to compare
11 of x Standardising – comparison with Principal Moderator If you go back to the “standardisation pieces of work” tab you can then see your marks and comments as well as the Principal Moderators Your comments and marks are in red and the Principal Moderators in Green
12 of x Follow the same process for the other pieces of work, which you can select in the drop down menu