Metric Conversions How do I convert from one unit to another?
Basic Metric Units Meter Liter Gram deci centi milli Deka HectoKilo
Basic Metric Units Meter Liter Gram deci centi milli Deka HectoKilo
Basic Metric Units Meter Liter Gram deci centi milli Deka HectoKilo So, to convert metric units, all that you really have to do is know how many decimal places to move and in what direction. Left or Right? How Many Spaces?
Basic Metric Units Meter Liter Gram deci centi milli Deka HectoKilo K HD Base Unit dcm KingHenryDied bydrinking chocolate milk KidsHate Doing Math Lang. Arts Geometry During CloudyMornings
Converting Metric Units 1.Start by using your pneumonic device to remember the order of the units. 2.Write K H D B d c m at the top of your paper. 3.See what unit you are starting with and what unit you are converting to. 4.Decide what direction that would be and how many spaces.
Converting Metric Units K H D By d c m 123 cm = __?__ Dm To convert centimeters to Dekameters Need to move 3 spaces to the left One decimal place left makes it 12.3 Two decimal places left makes it 1.23 And three decimal places left makes it.123 So, 123 cm =.123 Dm
Converting Metric Units K H D By d c m.456 Kl = __?__ Dl To convert Kiloliters to Dekaliters Need to move 2 spaces to the right One decimal place right makes it 4.56 And two decimal places right makes it 45.6 So,.456 Kl = 45.6 Dl