Global Warming Student: Chris Everett Teacher: Mr. Kimball Class: Chemistry B1a Lab Section: 31192
Greenhouse Effect Our atmosphere acts as a cover letting light in but not letting heat escape. Our atmosphere acts as a cover letting light in but not letting heat escape. Earth has an average temperature of 15°C, this would be -18°C without the greenhouse effect. Earth has an average temperature of 15°C, this would be -18°C without the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse Gases: Methane Methane: CH 4 Methane: CH 4 –Increases in methane concentration can be due to livestock, paddy rice farming, changes to swamplands and pipeline loses. –A kg of CH 4 is said to heat the earth 23 times as much as the same amount of CO 2
Greenhouse Gases: Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide:CO 2 Carbon Dioxide:CO 2 –Can be due to burning of fossil fuels and deforestation –As CO 2 emissions rise so do the CO 2 levels of the atmosphere and the temperature also is raised.
CO 2 Emissions
CO 2 Emissions (Contd.) Does this mean that humans are causing global warming? Does this mean that humans are causing global warming? As you can see from the previous slide it seems that rises in carbon dioxide are cyclical so the fact that CO 2 levels are elevated right now does not directly point to humans in fact there are naturaly occurring things that emit CO 2 into the atmosphere.
CO 2 from Volcanoes Volcanoes releases CO 2 SO 2 H 2 O and other chemicals into the atmosphere some are harmful to the environment while others are not. Volcanoes releases CO 2 SO 2 H 2 O and other chemicals into the atmosphere some are harmful to the environment while others are not. There is an estimate that volcanoes release 3.0 x mol/yr of CO 2 There is an estimate that volcanoes release 3.0 x mol/yr of CO 2 Even though volcanoes do release a lot of CO 2 it does not come close to that of humans. Humans release almost 150x more CO 2 a year than volcanoes Even though volcanoes do release a lot of CO 2 it does not come close to that of humans. Humans release almost 150x more CO 2 a year than volcanoes
Greenhouse Gases: Nitrous Oxide Nitrous Oxide: N 2 O Nitrous Oxide: N 2 O –Can occur from agricultural activity such as fertilizers and pesticides. –Per unit of weight N 2 O is estimated to have around 296 times the effect on the warming of the planet as CO 2