The AWARDS A Presentation for the NEC Leadership Conference 2011
So We’re Not Doing it for the By National President Sid Mobley
“Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend's success without envy." ~Aeschylus
What are the best awards to give? What Awards does your district give out? More importantly, what awards do your clubs want to earn? Why do we give out awards?
Why Shouldn’t Our Clubs Receive Awards? They deserve it. The Club Benefits The Members Benefit It helps get new members It helps members professionally It makes your club stronger
A Little Thank You Goes a Long Way So…. What awards can we win? How can we win them?
What award should EVERY Club earn? N ational S ervice A ward What does it take to earn the NSA?
Do and report a project in each of our Program of Service (and they are?) Americanism Community Service Youth Child Abuse Prevention (our national project) Plus 2 more in any program of your choosing
The one award that should be every Clubs Goal? The BIG “E” Award
The BIG “E” Award Extension / Expansion –Growth - Membership Efficiency –Leadership Duties Education –Community Awareness
The BIG “E” Award Extension / Expansion Must fulfill ONE of the following –Build a new club –Achieve a net membership increase of (2) –Aid an under strength club (<25) to achieve a 30 percent membership increase to reach 25. –Assist any 25 Member or Larger club to achieve a net member increase of 10 or more with Documentation sent to National
The BIG “E” Award »Efficiency –Must fulfill all FIVE Return completed Officer Election Report to National Headquarters by April 30 th & send in member applications when completed. Return Completed Activities Summary by June 30 th. Publish a club bulletin at least twice monthly and send a copy to National Headquarters. (One may be Board Meeting Minutes and the can be published on line as long as there is a notification with a link) Remain current in all club accounts with the National Exchange, as required under the National bylaws. Conduct a program development meeting no later than June 30 th and return the completed form to National Headquarters by July 15 th. –***This can be entered ON-LINE NEC Web-Site***
The BIG “E” Award »Education –Must fulfill all FIVE Earn the National Service Award Dedicate or rededicate at least one Freedom Shrine Sponsor a child abuse prevention fundraiser or community education program Install an official Exchange club road sign on a major roadway or Alternative evidence of Publicity in the Community Install an official “ Exchange Club of ___ Meets Here: plaque prominently at your club’s regular meeting place, or publish a meeting notice no less then once a month
Other Club Awards Club Building Awards Membership Growth Awards Service Project Awards Fundraising Awards Care Award Leadership Awards All-American Volunteer of the Year Award Exchangite of the Year Publication / Web Site Awards Web Video Award Public Relations Youth Awards
Membership Growth Awards Individual Member Award Pins Club Membership Achievement Award Club Superior Membership Achievement Award Club Excellence Award Charter Club Cornerstone Award Club Hat Trick Award
Outstanding Service Project Award Community Service Americanism Youth Fundraising – 49 members or fewer Fundraising – 50 members or more
Club Leadership Awards Distinguished Club President Award Distinguished Charter Club President Award Distinguished Club Secretary Award Distinguished Club Treasurer Award
District Level Awards Club builder Awards –Star District President Award –District New Club Building Chair Award Distinguished District President Award Distinguished District Director Award Youth Awards –Youth of the Month / Year Awards –A.C.E. Award Publication Awards National Exchangite of the Year Award
Distinguished Director/Club Representative Award Leadership Development Program Excellence Growth Administrative
Distinguished District President Leadership Development –Provides leadership training for district directors and club officers, prior to June 30 th –Files reports on training for district directors and club officers by July 15 th. –Attends all district conferences and district conventions. Program Excellence –At least 50 percent of clubs in the district earn the National Service Award –At least 50 percent of clubs conduct child abuse prevention projects.
Distinguished District President Growth –Achieves district membership increase of two percent, including new clubs. –Achieves a net increase of one new club in the District. Administrative –Files district president’s monthly reports with regional vice president and National Headquarters by the 5 th of each month.
Some National Awards National Exchangite of the Year All American Volunteer of the Year Publication Awards Public Relations Award Web Video and Website Awards A.C.E. Award Youth of the Year Award