Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Ms. Watson Health Semester II (February)
February 1 DO NOW – 5 minutes Pull out your journal, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Today the Class Work will be completed by the student. Be prepared to begin/at a moment’s notice. Sit patiently and quietly; wait for directions.
Definitions: Spiritual Health – maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having spiritual direction and purpose. Journal: NONE P/R/S : (P) macro- - large Class work: Reading Log – Describing Health pages 6 – 8 Homework: Parent signature form, planner page February 1 Objective: SWBAT demonstrate how to create and fill- in a reading log.
Exit Slip: Show your teacher your reading log. February 1
February 4 DO NOW – 5 minutes Pull out your journal, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Today the Class Work will be completed by the student. Be prepared to begin/at a moment’s notice. Sit patiently and quietly; wait for directions.
Definitions: Mental Health – the ability to recognize reality. Journal: What do you think are some of the most pressing health issues facing teens today? P/R/S : (P) an- (w/o) Class work: Reading Log – Health and Wellness p. 8 – 10 Homework: Finish & study definitions, P/R/S index cards & journal February 4 Objective: SWBAT demonstrate how to create and fill-in a reading log.
Exit Slip: Show your teacher your reading log. February 4
February 5 DO NOW – 15 minutes Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Complete Reading Log – Sec. 1.2 Health Concerns in the United States & Teen Health Issues pages 11-12
Definitions: Values – a person’s strong belief and ideals. Journal #5: Responsible decision making provides a measure of control over person health. What does this statement mean? Respond by writing at least one (1) paragraph. P/R/S: (R) Esthes – pain/feeling Class work: Distribute and explain “Coat of Arms” Assignment. Homework: Work on “Coat of Arms Shield” Assignment – Due Friday February 8, 2013 February 5 Objective: SWBAT define values. SWBAT affirm their values. SWBAT understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.
Exit Slip: Show your teacher your reading log. February 5
February 6 DO NOW – 15 minutes Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Answer the following question “What is a value?” in your journal. Respond with at least one (1) paragraph.
Definitions: Character Trait – Patterns in a person’s behavior when he or she acts on his or her values frequently. Journal #6: What is a value? Respond with at least one(1) paragraph. P/R/S : -ive – Pertaining to, (S) Class work: What is a “value”? 10 Unfinished Questions.s Homework: Families Value Worksheet February 6 Objective: SWBAT Assess one’s personal behavior and how one demonstrates character traits.
Exit Slip: February 6
February 7 DO NOW – 15 minutes Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Complete Reading Log – Sec. 1.2 National Health Risks & Developing Life Skills, pages
Definitions: Goals – a specific aim that reflects a set of values. Journal #7: The best decision is one with the best outcome. What does this statement mean? P/R/S : -ia (condition) (R) Class work: Complete “Coat of Arms” Homework: Complete journal entries. Prepare for presentation of “Coat of Arms” February 7 Objective: SWBAT define values. SWBAT affirm their values. SWBAT understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.
Exit Slip: None February 7
February 8 DO NOW – Snow Day
Definitions: NONE Journal: NONE P/R/S : NONE Class work: NONE Homework: NONE February 8 – Snow Day Objective:
Exit Slip: Snow Day February 8
February 11 DO NOW – 5 minutes Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Pull out “Coat of Arms” Assignment. Make any last minute corrections. Be prepared to begin/at a moment’s notice. Sit patiently and quietly; wait for directions.
Definitions: Self – Esteem – feeling good about yourself and your abilities. Journal: NONE P/R/S : (P) ex- (out, off, from, beyond) Class work: Present “Coat of Arms” Shield/Badge. Homework: NONE February 11 Objective: SWBAT define values. SWBAT affirm their values. SWBAT understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.
Exit Slip: Chapter 2 Making Responsible Decisions, Section 1 Why Does Health Involve So Many Decisions & Short-Term Consequences of Health Decisions, page February 11 If time permits, students will complete Reading Log.
February 12 Four CAT Tickets and/or Four Tardies = REFERRAL DO NOW – 5 minutes Go to your assigned seat. Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Sit patiently and quietly; wait for directions. Group activity will begin immediately after attendance is taken.
Definitions: Short-Term Goals – a goal that can be accomplished in a few months or less. Journal #8: If the outcome (of a decision) isn’t what I expected, I made the wrong decision. What does this statement mean to YOU? P/R/S : (P) auto- (self) Class work: Types of Health (Team) Homework: Study for Chapter 1 Test – Friday, February 15, 2013 Black History Month Assignment – Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 12 Objective: SWBAT explain the interrelationship amongst the five components of health.
Exit Slip: Homework Black History Month Research a minority individuals (primarily African-Americans) who are known for their contributions to the health field. You will create one of the following which will depict their contributions: Essay Poem Rap Collage PowerPoint Tri-fold Other BE CREATIVE Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 12
Feb. 13 Four CAT Tickets and/or Four Tardies = REFERRAL DO NOW – 5 minutes Go to your assigned seat. Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Write the following statements in your journal: In the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Liz Murray had many obstacles in her life. What were they? Liz had many decisions to make. List the decision that Liz had to make? What do you feel was the most critical decision for Liz to make? Respond accordingly to each statement.
Definitions: Consequence – A result Journal #9: In the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Liz Murray had many obstacles in her life. What were they? Liz had many decisions to make. List the decision that Liz had to make? What do you feel was the most critical decision for Liz to make? P/R/S: Multi- (Many) (P) Class work: View “Homeless to Harvard” Homework: Study for Chapter 1 Test – Friday, February 15, 2013 Black History Month Assignment – Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 13 Objective: Students will view the film “Homeless to Harvard” with the intent of analyzing ways people make decisions.
Exit Slip: Homework Black History Month Research a minority individuals (primarily African-Americans) who are known for their contributions to the health field. You will create one of the following which will depict their contributions: Essay Poem Rap Collage PowerPoint Tri-fold Other BE CREATIVE Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 13
February 14 Four CAT Tickets and/or Four Tardies = REFERRAL DO NOW – 5 minutes Go to your assigned seat. Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Write the following statements in your journal: In the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Liz Murray had many obstacles in her life. What were they? Liz had many decisions to make. List the decision that Liz had to make? What do you feel was the most critical decision for Liz to make? Respond accordingly to each statement.
Definitions: Benefits – the cons or advantages of a consequence. Journal: In the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Liz Murray had many obstacles in her life. What were they? Liz had many decisions to make. List the decision that Liz had to make? What do you feel was the most critical decision for Liz to make? P/R/S : -or (one which) (S) Class work: View “Homeless to Harvard” Homework: Study for Chapter 1 Test – Friday, February 15, 2013 Black History Month Assignment – Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 14 Objective: Students will view the film “Homeless to Harvard” with the intent of analyzing ways people make decisions.
Homework Black History Month Research a minority individuals (primarily African-Americans) who are known for their contributions to the health field. You will create one of the following which will depict their contributions: Essay Poem Rap Collage PowerPoint Tri-fold Other BE CREATIVE Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 14
February 15 DO NOW – 5 minutes Go to computer stand and take assigned computer to your assigned seat. Turn on computer and Log-in. Pull out your notebook, your weekly planner and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Sit patiently and quietly; wait for directions. Four CAT Tickets and/or Four Tardies = REFERRAL
Definitions: Cost – the cons or disadvantages of a consequence. What you give up to have a consequence. Journal: Respond by writing at least one (1) paragraph per question: In the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Liz Murray had many obstacles in her life. What were they? Liz had many decisions to make. List the decision that Liz had to make? What do you feel was the most critical decision for Liz to make? P/R/S : Micro- (tiny, small) (P) Class work: Chapter 1 Test Homework: Black History Month Assignment – Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 15 Objective: Students will take a test on Chapter 1: Health & Wellness A Quality of Life
February 15 Chapter 1Test In the URL or address type: For your name type: 1 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name For the Passcode type:
February 15 Chapter 1Test In the URL or address type: For your name type: 2 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name For the Passcode type:
February 15 Chapter 1Test In the URL or address type: For your name type: 3 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name For the Passcode type:
February 15 Chapter 1Test In the URL or address type: For your name type: 4 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name For the Passcode type:
February 15 Chapter 1Test In the URL or address type: For your name type: 5 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name For the Passcode type:
Homework Black History Month Research a minority individuals (primarily African-Americans) who are known for their contributions to the health field. You will create one of the following which will depict their contributions: Essay Poem Rap Collage PowerPoint Tri-fold Other BE CREATIVE Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 February 15
February 25 DO NOW – 5 minutes Go to your assigned seat. Pull out your notebook, index cards, and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Sit patiently and quietly; wait for directions. Four CAT Tickets and/or Four Tardies = REFERRAL
Definitions: Decision-Making Model – a series of steps that helps a person make a responsible decision. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Operat (work) (R) Class work: Review classroom procedures & expectations – how to set up Weekly Planner Page, Journal, Index Cards, and Reading Log Homework: Black History Month Assignment – Due Tuesday, February 26, 2013 Definitions, P/R/S & Journals Due Friday March 1, 2013 February 25 Objective: Review classroom procedures and expectations.
February 25 (Mon.) Definition: Front of the card Name Hour Decision-Making Model Back of the card A series of steps that helps a person make a responsible decision.
February 25 (Mon.) P/R/S Prefix/Root/Suffix: Front of the card Name Hour Operat Back of the card Work
5 February 25 2/252/26 2/27 2/28 3/01 Review classroom procedures and expectations. Decision- Making Model NONE (R) Operat Review classroom procedures & expectations Black History Month Assignment
Date 9 Respond by writing at least one (1) paragraph per question. February 25 (Mon) Journal: In the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Liz Murray had many obstacles in her life. What were they? Liz had many decisions to make. List the decision that Liz had to make? What do you feel was the most critical decision for Liz to make?
Exit Slip: 1.Take out index cards. 2.Write down the definitions for the following terms: a.Health b.Wellness c.Values d.Benefits February 25 Your Name Date Hour Print your answer here. a. b. c. d. SAMPLE
February 26 DO NOW – 7 minutes Go to your assigned seat. Pull out your notebook, index cards, weekly planner page, and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Write the following statements in your journal: Besides the decision- making process, how might people make decisions? Respond to the statements with at least one (1) or more paragraphs. Four CAT Tickets and/or Four Tardies = REFERRAL
Definitions: Alternative (An) - choices Journal #10: Besides the decision-making process, how might people make decisions? P/R/S : (P) Uni- (one) Class work: Discuss “Homeless to Harvard” Review the Decision-Making Process Homework: Definitions, P/R/S & Journals Due Friday March 1, 2013 February 26 Objective: SWBAT apply the Decision-Making Process to make different solutions regarding social situations.
February 26 Your Name Date Hour Print your answer here. a. b. c. d. e. SAMPLE Exit Slip: List the five steps in the POWER model that helps you make responsible decisions.
February 27 DO NOW – 10 minutes Go to your assigned seat. Pull out your notebook, index cards, weekly planner page, and your writing tool (pen or pencil) Write the following statements in your journal: Write about a decision you had difficulty making and then worried about afterward. Write down the names of responsible people who you trust and could talk to about important decisions. List the things people do or say to deny responsibility for poor decisions or negative actions. Write specific ways in which using a decision-making model could help you take more responsibility for your actions. Respond to the statements with at least one (1) or more paragraphs. Four CAT Tickets and/or Four Tardies = REFERRAL
Definitions: Benefits – the cons or advantages of a consequences. Journal #11: Write about a decision you had difficulty making and then worried about afterward. Write down the names of responsible people who you trust and could talk to about important decisions. List the things people do or say to deny responsibility for poor decisions or negative actions. Write specific ways in which using a decision-making model could help you take more responsibility for your actions. P/R/S : (R) tom (cutting) Class work: Review the Decision-Making Process Homework: NONE February 27 Objective: SWBAT apply the Decision-Making Process to make different solutions regarding social situations.
Exit Slip: February 27
February 28 DO NOW – 5 minutes Read Sec. 2.2 “How to Make a Responsible Decision” pages and Complete Reading Log in Your Notebook.
Definitions: NONE Journal: NONE P/R/S : NONE Class work: NONE Homework: NONE February 28 Objective:
Exit Slip: February 28