Concept of selective exposure and selective perception, It refers to individuals’ tendency to favor information which reinforces their pre-existing views while avoiding contradictory information. Selective exposure to information refers to the phenomenon in which individuals tend to prefer information that supports a certain view or decision and in which they tend to neglect conflicting information.
Selective exposure relies on the assumption that one will continue to seek out information on an issue even after an individual has taken a stance on it. The position that a person has taken will be colored by various factors of that issue that are reinforced during the decision-making process.
Selective exposure can affect the decisions people make as individuals or as groups because they may be unwilling to change their views and beliefs either collectively or on their own.
. As media consumers have more choices to expose themselves to selected medium and media contents with which they agree, they tend to select content that confirms their own ideas and avoid information that argues against their opinion.
People don’t want to be told that they are wrong and they do not want their ideas to be challenged either. Therefore, they select different media outlets that agree with their opinions so they do not come in contact with this form of dissonance. Furthermore, these people will select the media sources that agree with their opinions and attitudes on different subjects and then only follow those programs.
PERCEPTION The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world.
Perception “Perception refers to the interpretation of what we take in through our senses. “ perception is the process by which people select, organize and interpret information to form a meaningful picture
Factors that Influence Perception/ perceptual Distortions Factors related to perceived Factors related to situation Factors related to the perceiver
SELECTIVE PERCEPTION Example: Airtel Super Singer. Selective exposure:- People look for pleasant and sympathetic messages and avoid painful or threatening ones. Selective attention:- People look into ads which will satisfy their need.
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