Transmission Two Click to start.
I see you’ve returned. Good. If you are here in the Transmissions that probably means you have opened Puzzle Lock One. There is more to come I can tell you that. From my scanner I can tell you you need to use an elevator shaft to your left. Walk that way for further directions. Go
Crooks Left Legend Members Right Crooks Left Legend Members Right
TRAPPED! You have failed. To escape the trap, please hit the word ESCAPE in the following sentences. EEggs are silly, cool, perfect edibles.
TRAPPED! You have failed. To escape the trap, please hit the word ESCAPE in the following sentences. Eggs are silly, cool, perfect edibles.s
TRAPPED! You have failed. To escape the trap, please hit the word ESCAPE in the following sentences. Eggs are silly, cool, perfect edibles.c
TRAPPED! You have failed. To escape the trap, please hit the word ESCAPE in the following sentences. Eggs are silly, cool, perfect edibles.a
TRAPPED! You have failed. To escape the trap, please hit the word ESCAPE in the following sentences. Eggs are silly, cool, perfect edibles.p
TRAPPED! You have failed. To escape the trap, please hit the word ESCAPE in the following sentences. Eggs are silly, cool, perfect edibles.e
More Confusion! The crooks have left a nasty surprise! The elevator shaft has been rigged up in a different form. The elevator conveys a game of sorts. Play it and advance to the next floor. PLAY
GAME: Elevator Escape Directions: Use the buttons on the right to answer questions on the left. When you click on an answer it will light up. Click on the check mark button to confirm your answer. If you get a right answer, you will move on. If you don’t you will get sent to the beginning. Play
EXIT?? If you want to exit the Game, Please hit the esc button (ESCAPE button) OR Go back to the Game by hitting the question mark thrice.
EXIT?? If you want to exit the Game, Please hit the esc button (ESCAPE button) OR Go back to the Game by hitting the question mark thrice.
EXIT?? If you want to exit the Game, Please hit the esc button (ESCAPE button) OR Go back to the Game by hitting the question mark thrice.
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
Question: Click on the number that is 8000 divided by Then click the check mark. √ HINT EXIT
WRONG! Start again. GO
Excellent work! You have now come up to the second floor of the building! Nice going! Please direct your attention to Transmission Three. More directions await you there. End Transmission.