Disappearing Boundaries Between High School and College
Accelerated Learning Options for High School Students
OregonFloridaNational Graduate from High School 4% Immediately Enroll in College 8% (enroll at 4 year) 12% Earn Higher GPA (first year) 0.2 points (first three years) Persist to the Second Year 17%5%11% Accumulate Credits (after two years) 15 more credits (first three years)
NACEP in State Policy
Credit Acceptance by Public Institutions Source: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, Accelerated Learning Options: Moving the Needle on Access and Success, June 2006.
OregonFloridaNational Course TypesConcurrent EnrollmentDual Enrollment Subjects Academic Transfer (excluded CTE) All subjects, also did analysis of CTE All subjects Evaluator Oregon University System Columbia UniversityUniversity of Iowa Pool Oregon public colleges & universities Florida public colleges & universities NELS Post-secondary Education Transcripts Size of Pool15,70736,2174,514 Treatment as % of pool Not reported12%9%