US History Core 100, Goal 8 The Great War and Its Aftermath ( ) The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war's influence on international affairs during the 1920's.
Causes of Overall War CourseConsequences Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Spark: assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Princip Convoy Systems Doughboys Airplanes Machine Guns Trench Warfare Poison Gas Treaty of Versailles League of Nations formed without the U.S.
U.S. Neutrality to Involvement Woodrow Wilson declares the U.S. to be neutral (isolationism) Reasons the U.S. got involved: Lusitania: British passenger liner was sunk by a German u-boat; killed 128 Americans Sussex Pledge: Germany’s agreement w/ the U.S. to stop sinking non-war ships without warning… Germany violates pledge Zimmerman Telegram: sent to Mexico from Germany. Tried to get Mexico to join the Central Powers and they would receive AZ, TX, and NM back from U.S. British intercepted it Allied Propaganda Loans to Allied Forces Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Wilson’s Idealism: “Make the world safe for democracy” “The war to end all wars”
Wilson’s plan to bring fair peace to Europe 1-5 – disarmament, freedom of seas, 14- create a league of nations Was NOT accepted
Signed Treaty of Versailles on June 28,1919 Harsh conditions for Germany (must accept blame for war and pay $33 billion … PUNISHED) Creation of League of Nations (w/o U.S.) U.S. Senate rejects treaty twice… U.S. never signs b/c they want to avoid entangling alliances Leads to WWII
Illegal to criticize the federal gov’t Similar to John Adams and Federalists’ Alien and Sedition Acts
Upheld Espionage and Sedition Acts Freedom of speech could be curbed during war Even though violated the 1 st Amendment
Socialist Party ARU (American Railway Union)… Pullman Strike Jailed IWW (Industrial Workers of the World… AKA Wooblies) Anti-War Protestor