Branches of Government - State Level -
Flocabulary k_k5Ik k_k5Ik
What is the role of the legislative branch?
Legislative Branch The leaders of the legislative branch are called senators In North Carolina, the House of Representatives are called the General Assembly. There are 120 of them representing North Carolina
Crazy Laws in the United States It’s against the law to sing off key (NC) Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs (AZ) A person may not be seen in public without a smile on their face (ID) Musical instruments may not be sold on Sunday (SC)
Legislative Branch - NC Senators: Kay Hagan Richard Burr
What about the executive branch?
Executive Branch At the state level, the Governor is the head of the Executive branch. This means that he’s the boss! The Governor can accept or reject laws made by the __________ branch
Executive Branch Governor Pat McCrory
What is the branch that is the court system called?
Judicial Branch The Judicial branch is made up of many judges. They decide if laws are fair, and what the punishment should be for breaking the laws.