Workshop 16 th September 2015 Karen Baker SENDCo
What do we offer children with additional needs… We recognise one size does not fit all! We are a reflective team- how can we adapt our teaching to enhance learning??? Provide a friendly and stimulating learning environment.
Strategies we use when children are stuck with their learning… Checklists Stuck zones Model mistakes Promote an ‘I can’ attitude- Growth mind-set! Fill in the learning gaps through key skills sessions!
What are key skills… Immediate response to learning gaps If children have key skills book, it doesn’t automatically mean they have Special Needs. Early identification Some children require key skills for phonics, maths, sentence structure or social skills such as learning to regulate their emotions in a more positive way.
Key skills continued… Some children have key skills for a short length of time and others longer. Key skills books will be shared at parents evenings Key skills are closely monitored by the class teacher and SENDCo to measure the impact of personalised learning programmes, and if we need external agencies to support.
What makes Croft an inclusive school… Values based school- we value everyone regardless! We understand that each child is a unique learner. We use a range of teaching strategies to include all learners. We have high expectations for all of our learners. Everybody can reach their full educational potential!
We want to be even more inclusive by… Becoming a dyslexia friendly school… What works for a dyslexic learner also has positive impacts on a non dyslexic learner!!!
What is dyslexia? It is a learning difference that affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Difficulties in: Phonological awareness Verbal memory Verbal processing speed AND co-occuring difficulties- Personal organisation, mental calculation, language and visual stress
What we are doing to become more dyslexia friendly… Provide more multi-sensory learning opportunities. Use dyslexia friendly fonts – Comic Sans Use buff coloured paper Provide children with talking devices- talking tins/ Dictaphones Installed Nessy and Clicker Raised awareness of dyslexia amongst the staff. Promoted a positive view of the learning difference to the children- they have learnt about the famous dyslexics and strengths dyslexic learners have!
Future workshops… Is there an area of special needs that you would like to have more knowledge of? If so, could you please write it down before you leave… Thank you!
Question time…