How to Analyze Dramatic Quote Macbeth
Who Old man Ross Macduff
What The scene is taking place outside Macbeth Castle The discussion comes after the murder of Duncan The Old man and Ross are talking about the strange and ominous events that took place. 1.They talk about the fact that it is dark although it is day time 2.They talk about the owl that killed a falcon 3.They mention how Duncan’s beautiful and well trained horses acted wildly and devoured each other.
Why The best way to appreciate the scene is to look at it from the Elizabethan point of view. Shakespeare’s audience will immediately connect the scene with the Great Chain of Being. King Duncan’s murder is at the heart of the scene: The murder is a break of the chain. The King is a sacred being as he had been appointed by God. His murder is a crime against God and against nature.
This crime disturbs the chain as a result nature is disturbed as well. Macbeth and his wife who did the crime had moved to a place which does not belong to them. In short they disturb the natural order of things.
Nature Response Because of the crime, nature or the cosmos is being disturbed as well. Strange and unnatural events occur, like darkness when it is suppose to be day The owl that kills a falcon Duncan’s horses killed each other, it can be scene as a mark of loyalty to their master. They will not be ride by another horseman.
conclusion The ominous signs reflect the enormity and ugliness of the crime. The universe protests against the crime of Macbeth and the like of him. Naturally, natural order should be restored. The universe has a system and it will recover.