The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions By Misael Canas & Tamia Whiters.


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Presentation transcript:

The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions By Misael Canas & Tamia Whiters

Confucianism B E L I E F S affecting gender roles Traditional beliefs on appropriate conduct for women are in the biography of a Confucian philosopher, Mencius. It stated that woman’s duties are to...cook the five grains, heat the wine,look after her parents-in-law, make clothes. In addition to these duties,women had to maintain their husbands’ household, raise the children (if any) Properly raising their daughter consisted of instructing them to abide by these duties as well. In Confucian societies, a patriarchal system, a system that values men over women, is the central belief that affects the roles of each gender. Also, confucianism emphasizes filial piety;therefore, women are emphasized as subordinste to men with certain roles as men are the superiors.

Christianity beliefs affecting gender roles Women were compared to the children in the eyes of the law Women had no public role They were unable to own property or represent herself in legal proceedings status of women was patriarchal Women were allowed to serve as priests and nuns

Buddhism Beliefs Affecting Gender Roles Women and men were equal in theory which led to more rights for women. Lived in a patriarchical society(men over women)were legally subject to fathers and husbands(men), but had more freedoms than women in Hinduism both rich and poor males and females shared the same ability to come across nirvana(state of perfect oneness with the great spirit of the universe Buddhism allowed women an alternative to improve lifestyles allowed women to serve as nuns

Life in Christian Monastery The monasteries preserved the intellectual legacy of Rome as well as the text of the Bible while simultaneously nurturing scholarship and the desire to maintain moral values. St. Benedict established the Benedictine Rule that reflected the two primary principles of monastic life - Ora et labora or prayer and work. Monks lived by a strict timetable of prayer, labor and study. Much of their day was spent in transcribing the Bible and ancient texts left from the Roman Empire, preserving these sources of knowledge for future generations. It was a harsh life.

Monastic life in Buddhism Monks and nuns are expected to fulfill a variety of roles in the Buddhist community. First and foremost, they are expected to preserve the doctrine and discipline now known as Buddhism. They are also expected to provide a living example for the ordinary people, and to serve as a "field of merit" for lay followers, providing laymen and women with the opportunity to earn merit by giving gifts and support to the monks. When a person wishes to join the Buddhist Order, he is first ordained as a novice(someone new to something). As a symbolic act of his renunciation of the worldly life, he is asked to shave off his hair and put on a robe appropriate to the monastic tradition, which he has entered. The Preceptor, who is a senior monk, then ordains him usually the abbot. The Preceptor and an instructor are then given the responsibility for guiding the novice through his period of monastic training. At the end of this period, the novice may receive the higher ordination as a monk (bhikkhu) or a nun (bhikkuni). An ordained member of the Order is provided with shelter, food, clothing and medical cares. His life is secure, though not luxurious. His time is spent on the following activities, namely ●study, either in groups or individually; ●the performance of assigned tasks for the maintenance of the monastic institution; ●meditation; ●participation in collective observances like the recitation of the disciplinary code on new moon and full moon days; ●and the performance of religious services for the lay community.

Filial piety in Confucianism What is filial piety? A cultivated virtue in confucian thought that embofies the respect and love for ones: parents and ancestors. Confucianism emphasized filial piety by focusing on proper behavior to parents and elder family members along with devoting, dedicating, and honoring dead ancestors. Confucian filial piety is basically a human ethic or philosophy, it shares God’s extended general grace.