Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 1 1. What do atoms join together to make? 2. What holds the atoms together? 3. A shared pair of electrons is called a ________ _______. 4. Give three examples of simple covalent elements that have single bonds. 5. Give an example of a simple covalent elements that has a double bond. molecules Bonds Covalent bond Hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, & iodine oxygen
Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 2 1. Name an element that has a triple covalent bond holding the molecule together 2. What are the “magic 7” diatomic molecules? 3. What is a molecular formula? 4. What information does the formula tell you? 5. What does diatomic mean nitrogen Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine & iodine Shorthand way of describing a molecule What type of atom & how many of each type 2 atom molecule
Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 3 1. What is valency? 2. What is the valency of the group 0 elements? 3. What kind of atoms make up covalent molecules? 4. What valency do the halogens have? 5. Arsenic in group 5 will have a valency of ______ How many bonds an atom will form Non metal atoms only 1 3
Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 4 1. An atom with 4 bonds can have two shapes. What shapes? 2. Ammonia NH3 is likely to have what shape? 3. Methane CH4 is likely to have what shape? 4. How do you describe the shape of a water molecule? 5. Name two linear molecules Linear, tetrahedral pyramidal tetrahedral Bent, planar Carbon dioxide and hydrogen chloride
Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 5 1. Carbon monoxides formula can not be written by crossing over valencies. What is the formula for carbon monoxide? 2. What does the prefix tetra mean? 3. Write down the formula for nitrogen dioxide 4. What is the formula for dinitrogen tetroxide 5. What shape will carbon tetrachloride have? CO 4 NO2 N2O4 tetrahedral
Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 6 Describe the pictures the first one is done as an example. A compound An element A mixture of compounds A mixture of elements An element or a diatomic element A compound or a diatomic compound
Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 7 1. Write the formulae of the following covalent compounds nitrogen chloride hydrogen sulphide phosphorus bromide carbon hydride silicon oxide NCl3 H2S PBr3 CH4 SiO2 This is the simple version of Si2O4
Revision Quiz Covalent Bonding 8 Describe how this holds the atoms together. Draw the shape of a methane molecule and an ammonia molecule using perspective formulae. + x Shared pair of electrons Nucleus The two positive nucleus pull the negative electrons with equal strength H C Tetrahedral Pyramidal H N