The Future & Conditional Tenses LO: You will learn how to form the future tense and how you would form the conditional tense. Steps to success!!
Look up the following infinitives in the dictionary. to talk~ to direct~ to attach~ to go out~ to appear~ Steps to success!! parler réaliser fixer sortir apparaître
The future tense is used to say what you will do and is made from the infinitive of the verb + present tense of avoir. Steps to success!! avoir j’ai tu as il / elle a nous avons vous avez ils/elles ont parler – to talk je parlerai~ I will talk tu parleras ~ you will talk il/elle parlera ~ he/she will talk nous parlerons ~ we will talk vous parlerez ~ you will talk ils/elles parleront ~ they will talk parler to talk
For –re verbs, you drop the “e”, otherwise there are too many vowels! apparaïtre – to appear j’apparaîtrai~ I will appear tu apparaîtras ~ you will appear il/elle apparaîtra ~ he/she will appear etc... Steps to success!!
Now time for you to have a go with the verbs you looked up earlier. 1. He will attach. 2. They (masc.) will direct. 3. We (pl.) will go out. 4. You (pl.) will appear. Steps to success!! Il fixera Ils réaliseront Nous sortirons Vous apparaîtrez
The conditional tense is used to say what you would do and is made from the infinitive of the verb + imperfect tense endings. Steps to success!! je -ais tu -ais il/elle -ait nous -ions vous -iez ils/elles - aient parler – to talk je parlerais~ I would talk tu parlerais ~ you would talk il/elle parlerait ~ he/she would talk nous parlerions ~ we would talk vous parleriez ~ you would talk ils/elles parleraient ~ they would talk parler to talk
More practice. 1.They (m) would appear. 2.She would go out. 3. We would eat. 4. I would play. 5. You (sing.) would watch. Steps to success!! Ils apparaîtraient Elle sortirait Nous mangerions Je jouerais Tu regarderais
Attention: Some of the most common verbs are irregular FutureConditional aller (to go)j’iraij’irais avoir (to have)tu aurastu aurais faire (to do)il ferail ferait être (to be)elle seraelle serait pouvoir (to be able to)nous pourronsnous pourrions venir (to come)vous viendrezvous viendriez voir (to see)ils verrontils verraient vouloir (to want to)on voudraon voudrait Steps to success!!
Are we there yet? Edexcel Higher p225