Workforce strategies to enhance State Oral Health Program capacity Samantha Jordan
Overview of SOHP workforce strategies Retention Recruitment Competency -Attracting new workers -Ensures an adequate number of workers -Prevents positions from remaining vacant -Keeping current workers -Prevents the loss of experience -Maintains community connectedness -Keeps institutional memory -Ensuring skills of workers -Ensures qualifications and experience of workers needed in today’s complex public health environment
Overview of SOHP workforce strategies Retention Recruitment Competency Strategic workforce planning Career developmentSuccession planning Flexible work schedules and telecommuting opportunities Resource sharing and collaborative partnerships Redefine retirement Quantify value of job benefits Promote opportunities such as online programs to continue education without leaving the workforce Cross-train workers to be skilled in a range of public health settings Mentoring program Effective leadership and leadership development
Strategic workforce planning Retention Recruitment Competency Strategic workforce planning Career developmentSuccession planning -Anticipatory process to ensure the right number of people with the right competencies in the right jobs at the right time -Benefits include: -Improved retention and job satisfaction -Improved preparation for leadership -Enhanced commitment to work and the workplace -Improved knowledge transfer -Faster replacement of key leaders -Reduced transition time -Decreased recruitment costs
Rehiring retirees Retention Recruitment Competency Redefine retirement Mentoring program -Identify roles – including teaching and mentoring – that retired workers can do for SOHPs -Especially valuable on specific projects or tasks related to data, policy, strategic planning, grant writing or evaluation -Benefits include: -Avoid the loss of institutional knowledge -Retain highly-skilled employees -More time for succession planning
Collaborative partnerships Retention Recruitment Competency Resource sharing and collaborative partnerships Cross-train workers to be skilled in a range of public health settings -Can help SOHPs accomplish equal or greater health improvements without overburdening understaffed agencies -Keeps SOHPs aligned with the current trend for integration
Promote stronger connections between SOHPs and other programs and departments Retention Recruitment Competency Resource sharing and collaborative partnerships Cross-train workers to be skilled in a range of public health settings
Ensure the development of a responsive, competent, diverse, and "elastic" workforce Retention Recruitment Competency Resource sharing and collaborative partnerships Cross-train workers to be skilled in a range of public health settings
Summary -SOHPs vary in size, structure, resources, and focus -SOHPs must determine which workforce strategies are feasible and appropriate to ensure an adequate and competent workforce