Data, Data, Everywhere ….
What is Health Metrics Network? Global health partnership bringing together producers and users of health information Underlying premises: Improved health through data for evidence-based decision-making Better measurement, through strengthened health information and statistical systems Networking to galvanize partners and resources for improved health information Better data - better decisions - better health Funding : USD 50 millions from Gates Foundation Also Danida, DFID, Thailand, USAID, WHO Timeline First phase
HMN Goal, Objectives, Principles Goal: Increase availability and use of timely, reliable health information in countries and globally through shared agreement on goals and coordinated investments in health information systemsObjectives: Develop framework and standards for health information systems Support countries to develop and implement plans in line with HMN framework Stimulate dissemination and use of health informationPrinciples: Country ownership and stakeholder involvement Link health and statistical constituencies Harmonization and alignment Sustainability Comprehensive approach to health information
Health Information System Comprehensive Approach Administrative and Facility-based data (HMIS) patient & facility records facility surveys health system data (infrastructure, supplies, human, financial resources) disease surveillance Population-based data census vital statistics household surveys demographic surveillance Ministry of Health National Statistics Office + = HIS
HMN Goal Increase availability, accessibility, quality and use of health information that are critical for decision making at global & country levels. HMN Goal Increase availability, accessibility, quality and use of health information that are critical for decision making at global & country levels. Roadmap for implementation HIS components & standards Data sources Resources Indicators Management Dissemination and use Products Principles Process Tools HMN Framework
HIS components & standards Data sources Resources Indicators Management Dissemination and use Products HMN Framework
Administrative records systems (NHA etc.) Services records systems (HMIS) Health status Records systems Pop based surveys Vital registration Census Population-basedHealth services and records-based Comprehensive Approach: Data Supply
HMN Support to Countries Limited catalytic funding Low and lower-middle income countries can claim up to $500,000 in a given year Other countries can claim up to $100,000 First steps Convening stakeholders Assessment of current health information system strengths and weaknesses Developing prioritized and costed action plan Technical support through regional centres of excellence to facilitate sharing of experiences. Improved tools and methods census, vital events monitoring, service statistics, public health surveillance, surveys
Countries Receiving Support Round 1