New desire for contact with Asia develops in Europe in early 1400s Main reason for exploration is to gain wealth Contact during Crusades spurs demand for Asian goods and spices Muslims and Italians control trade from East to West
Desire to spread Christianity and find new sources of wealth spurs exploration Advances in sailing technology made long voyages for the purpose of exploration possible In 1400s, the caravel makes it possible to sail against wind Astrolabe makes navigation easier Magnetic compass improves tracking of direction Prince Henry of Portugal influences European exploration by setting up a navigational school Portugal was the leader of sailing innovations in the 15 th century (1400s)
Portuguese explorer who was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa Cape of Good Hope is the name of the location Dias sailed to His route stopped just east of Cape Town
Portuguese sailor who succeeded in gaining a sea route between Portugal and India The easternmost city Vasco da Gama reached was Calicut, India
Portugal complained that the Line of Demarcation (1493), which was a boundary between Spain and Portugal, gave too much to Spain Spain and Portugal argued over which nation had the rights to the land Columbus had claimed In 1494, both countries signed this treaty Portugal won control over the east – Africa, India, and Asia Spain won control over the Americas
In the 1600s, the English and the Dutch (Netherlands) controlled trade in the East Indies They were able to secure power in the Indian Ocean because they set up East India Companies to control Asian trade These companies were like governments that had the power to make money, sign treaties, and create armies
Catholic priest from Spain Protested terrible treatment of Native Americans He did, however, advocate using African laborers