Carlos M. Duarte Director, The UWA Oceans Institute Providing Ocean Solutions for Humanity’s Grand Challenges OI Members Meeting Carlos M. Duarte Director, The UWA Oceans Institute October 7, 2011
2 Every first Friday of the month, followed by drinks. introduce new members & visitors, celebrate achievements, present news, discuss new programs, etc. OI Members Meeting
3 Warren Star (Starry), Boating and Diving Officer. Tracy Parker, New OI General Manager, M.Sc. in Commerce (Strategic Analyst w. UWA Business School, before General Manager UNSW Global Pty Lted.) - starting Monday Oct. 17. New Staff
4 Internal communication tools OI Facebook (for internal, member use only). – News (backbone); Buildings; New members; Awards; Grants; Events; Seminars; links to media reports on OI – Information for students. – Archive (newsletter, annual reports, pdf’s of papers) – Photographs (field work, workshops, events, etc.) contributing to an OI Gallery. – Links (CSIRO, AIMS, Dept Fisheries, WAMSI, DEC, etc.)
5 Internal communication tools Google Docs for collaborative work and collection of information (for internal, member use only). News (backbone) – Publications – Grants – Students (Ph.D. and Master) – Patents – Visitors – Specific programs (Gorgon Island – All OI members receive a link and can access files clicking on the link and edit the document. Blogs to be launched in Word Press: Ocean Solutions Blog (Carlos); Starry on Boating and Diving; others?
6 Does the OI generate value for your work? A survey. Specific statements and cases made. Basis for report at forthcoming meeting of OI Board.
7 Buildings Watermans: plans consolidated, progress made to Document stage (tender), issues with water effluent/pipes pending. IOMRC: Changes made to keep within budget, space for OI tight (2/3 of requests), options to increase space in discussion (adding a 4th, shell, floor, 4 M$; or retaining 39 Fairway, among others). Shaun Collin leads this with participation from various members and assistance from Christine Shervington.
8 Opportunities for training on Marine Science and Technology at UWA Framing a career of Marine Science and Technology for undergrads at UWA. Address gaps within Faculty programs. Create our own “Ocean Solutions” Master program (professional, course-based program and research, project-based program). Short course on safe boating and diving best practices, expanded from induction (mandatory) course - OI leader: Starry.
9 Ocean Solution Dialogues Workshops with industry and government on: Spatial planning. Food production systems. Water (w. Water Corporation) Marine Energy Carbon offsets. goal: to better aligned our Ocean Solutions research and training w. government and industry needs. To find partners to deliver ocean solutions to society.
10 Professional development workshops Effective presentation on meetings (poster, orals). Scientific writing International Mobility (1 of 2) Effective communication and interactions with the media (in the fall, Tony Malkovic). An OI Summer School?
11 Center of Excellence on Ocean Solutions An opportunity to develop a Center of Excellence on Ocean Solutions. A first draft document to be produced by September. Seed money to develop this from VC
12 Election of Postgraduate Student Rep. to OI Board Rep. to OI Board Candidate: Janelle Braithwaite (Supervisor Jessica Meeuwig).