Festivals Magha Puja : Magha Puja is celebrated in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. The spiritual aims of the day are: not to commit any kind of sins; do only good; purify one's mind. Uposatha: This day is known as observance day, there are four holy days on the new moon, full moon, and quarter moon days every month. This holiday has been in existence from the Buddha's time (500 BCE). The Buddha taught that the Uposatha day is for "the cleansing of the defiled mind," resulting in inner calm and joy. On this day, both lay and ordained members of the sangha intensify their practice, deepen their knowledge and express communal commitment through millennia-old acts of lay- monastic reciprocity. Abhidhamma Day: Celebrated in Burma, this day marks the day the Buddha went to the Tushita Heaven to teach his mother the Abhidhamma. It is celebrated on the full moon of the seventh month of the Burmese lunar year which starts in April. Songkran : celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southeast Asia. This Thai festival goes on for three days during April during which people clean their houses and clothes and sprinkle perfumed water on the monks, novices, and each other. Boat races on the river are also part of the celebration. Loy Krathong: This was a Hindu festival that was adapted by Thai Buddhists in Thailand to honor Buddha, The candle venerates the Buddha with light, while the krathong's floating symbolizes letting go of all one's hatred, anger, and defilements. When the rivers and canals are full of water, this festival takes place in all parts of Thailand on the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month. Bowls made with leaves, candles, and incense sticks, are placed in the water, and represent bad luck disappearing. A temple on Asalha Puja day Full-Moon Uposatha Poya Observance Abhidhamma Day People floating krathong rafts during the Loi Krathong
Festivals Madhu Purnima : It occurs on the day of the full moon in the month of Bhadro (August/September). This day is celebrated in Bangladesh. The day commemorates an occasion on which the Buddha retreated to the wilderness of Parileyya forest to bring peace between two quarrelling factions of disciples. The Ploughing Festival : During the half moon in May, two oxen pull a plough painted gold. Following behind them are girls dressed in white scattering rice seeds. This was to celebrate the Buddha's first moment of enlightenment. The Elephant Festival : This feast celebrates the idea of mentor in Buddhism. The Buddha used an example of a wild elephant which is harnessed to a tame one to be trained. This festival takes place on the third Saturday in November. The Festival of the Tooth : This feast is celebrated in Sri Lanka to honor a relic of the Buddha. There is a temple that houses a tooth of the Buddha. Once a year there is a procession for it on the full moon in August with an elephant carrying the tooth. Avalokitesvara Birthday: This festival celebrates the Bodhisattva ideal. On the full moon day in March It represents the perfection of compassion in Mahayana traditions of Tibet and China. Bodhi Day: The holiday which commemorates the day that the historical Buddha experienced enlightenment. Celebrated by all Buddhists as the day Buddha achieved Nirvana. Madhu Purnima The Ploughing Festival The Elephant Festival The Festival of the Tooth Avalokitesvara Birthday Bodhi Day Reliquary for Sacred Tooth
Festivals Buddha Day Buddha’s Birthday Vesak For the Buddhist community, the most important event of the year is the celebration of the Birth of the Buddha, his Enlightenment and Nirvana. It falls on the full-moon day in May. On this day, Buddhists take part in the ceremonial bathing of the Buddha. They pour ladles of water scented with flowers over a statue of the baby Siddhartha. This symbolizes purifying one's thoughts and actions. The temples are elaborately decorated with flowers and banners; the altars are laden with offerings; vegetarian meals are provided for all; and captive animals, such as birds and turtles are set free. Buddha Day
Festivals Dharma Day. Asalha Puja, known as 'Dharma Day', is celebrated during full-moon in July Dharma Day is one of the most important dates in the Buddhist calendar as it marks the day the religion was established. It is usually celebrated with readings from the Buddhist scriptures, and is an opportunity to reflect deeply on their content. This holiday commemorates the first sermon of the Buddha to the five monks in the Deer Park at Benares. Sangha Day Sangha Day or Kathina Day is usually held in October. In the Theravada tradition, monks and nuns go on a three-month retreat during the rainy season. After the retreat, the laity offers robes and other necessities to them. Ullambana Ancestor Day. It was considered that many monastics would have made progress during their retreat and therefore become a greater field of merit Lay devotees make offerings on behalf of their ancestors and dedicate the merit towards those suffering in the preta realm to relieve their suffering Making offerings to release departed relatives and others from the hells became popular in Mahayana countries. Usually, it takes place in September. Sharing the Dharma Day The merits from offering Kathina Robe
The Catholic Approach: What should Catholics embrace in this faith? Nostra Aetate indicates: Vatican II's Declaration states that Buddhism, in its various forms, realizes the radical insufficiency of this changeable world. Buddhism teaches a way by which men, in a devout and confident spirit, may be able either to acquire the state of perfect liberation, or attain, by their own efforts or through higher help, supreme illumination." The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in Buddhism and believes that Buddhism, in certain ways, "often reflect a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men." While the Council affirms that Buddhism may contain a "ray of Truth," it does not endorse appropriation of Buddhist beliefs into Christian practice. In Buddha’s final words to his disciples under the sala trees, he said, "Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself; do not rely upon anyone else. Make my teachings your light. Rely upon them; do not depend upon any other teaching.“ Christ, the "true light," did not teach His followers to extinguish their fires, such as is meaning of nirvana, but to illuminate the world with His love, and to reflect the light of His truth.
The Catholic Approach: What should Catholics embrace in this faith? Buddhism is peace. It is a way of life, something you take up and practice as your very life forever. Buddha Shakyamuni taught one path, one way and that is the middle way. Following the Middle Way is a balanced approach to living a more moral life. Buddhism teaches compassion instead of allowing hate and other negative emotions to control our minds and our lives. Buddhism teaches us to love all beings no matter who or what they or it is because we are all connected in some way. Buddhism is about bettering your mind and body through ancient practices that have never let us down. Buddhists took on meditation because of its impact on your mental, emotional and physical health. For all Buddhists one of the goals is to eradicate suffering. Buddhists do not contribute to their suffering, Buddhists do what they can to try and make their suffering end. Living in the moment and paying attention to the present; Paying attention to what is known and unknown and to what everyone is thinking and feeling, puts Nirvana is within the individual’s grasp May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes, May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes, May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss without suffering, May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger.