Micro-life: Bacteria You will understand and comprehend the characteristics of bacteria
Bacteria Characteristics: LIVING Single Celled organisms Contain DNA and RNA genetic material Most have a cell wall (protective layer) May have a capsule around cell wall (most disease causing do) Have small hair like extensions called Pilus (i) May produce an ENDOSPORE when placed in unfavorable conditions
3 Forms of Bacteria 3 basic forms Cocci- Round Bacillus- Rod Shaped Spirilla- “Curly Fries”
Bacteria Needs and Reproduction Bacteria need moisture, food source and warm in general to grow Lungs, Mouth, and Nasal Passages are ideal growing places for bacteria Body’s production of mucus with enzymes helps prevent bacteria from growing Bacteria reproduce rapidly when needs are met
Bacteria Reproduction: 2 ways Fission (asexual/cloning)- Bacteria simply makes duplicate copies if genes and divides. DNA is exact same for both parent and “daughter cell” Fusion (sexual)- Bacteria exchanges genetic material with another bacterium. DNA is different than “Parent” bacterium.
2 Types of Bacteria Archaebacteria- “Extremeophiles” live in harsh environments, deep sea, deep underground, volcanic areas: DO NOT NEED OXYGEN TO SURVIVE: Autotrophs- make their own food (light) Eubacteria- found commonly everywhere: Heterotrophs- need food source to live
Common Diseases from Bacteria Anthrax, Botulism, Tetanus, Typhoid fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Pneumonia, Strep Throat
Medicines made by bacteria Insulin, amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, neomycin, netilmicin, paromomycin, streptomycin, tobramycin and apramycin and antifungal medicines amikacingentamicinkanamycin neomycinnetilmicinparomomycin streptomycintobramycinapramycinamikacingentamicinkanamycin neomycinnetilmicinparomomycin streptomycintobramycinapramycin Also being looked as possible source to fight cancer(?) Foods made with bacteria aid, pickles, vinegar, yogurt, and cheese
BIG PROBLEM Overuse of antibiotics has lead to “Super strains” of bacteria to “evolve” Very hard to kill bacteria that cause MRSA or STAPH infection MOST HOSIPTALS HAVE THESE SUPERSTRANDS within them!
How your body responds to the “Bacterial INVASION” Natural Killer Cells arrive and attack bacteria B cells release antibodies that can smother the bacteria, not allowing it to move (B cells must recognize bacterial coating, so you need a past “encounter”/infection) MACROPHAGES come and eat the invader creating a fever and more immune cells Antibiotics help accelerate the process killing bacteria and promoting a quicker response by the body’s immune system